Isabela was quick to roll up her sleeping bag. It was odd to think of it as a luxury, but given their current condition, that's exactly what it was. She stretched out the wrinkles before stuffing it into its bag. Melnikov was due back any moment now and she refused to appear sloppy. But she hadn't been feeling too well for the last couple of days; a lingering cold that just wouldn't leave her alone made her weak and with the desire to do absolutely nothing but sleep for days. Isabela suffered in silence though. She moved a tad slower, but she performed her job to expectations nonetheless. Or at least, she hoped that's what she was doing. While some of the others chattered amongst themselves, Isabella put her sleeping bag away in her locker before she sat on one of the benches to lean back against the wall. She hugged her rifle purely out of instinct, probably because it made her feel a small amount of comfort. Not that she was in any imminent danger amongst her teammates per se, but the chills she was currently experiencing certainly didn't help. Finally, as her superior walked through the entrance to the locker room, Isabela straightened up.