*Around the bend is a rather lavishly decorated room with large Persian rugs strewn over the rocky floor, piles of rich purple pillows and at one end a ornate thrown, carved from the rock itself. The room is lit not by torches, but by what appear to be several miniature suns, about 2 inches in diameter, that give the place a rich tone of soft golden light. They float up against the high ceiling, but give off more than enough light. The scent of incense is strong about the place and there's almost a thin haze of smoke floating in the air. Against one side of the circular chamber are two openings leading further into the cave system* *On a pile of pillows rests a young, powerfully built man, wearing little more than breeches and a belt to keep them up. He's snoring loudly and several empty golden plates of food lie about him, along with a large half-empty jug of wine.*