[center][h2]Eli[/h2][/center] Eli curtly nods at Sienna before dry heaves take hold of him, throwing his head back into the bucket. The announcement of phone calls echoed dimly in the chamber of the bucket, though Eli gave it little thought. There was only one phone on the compound, an old rotary model with white plastic that had long since been stained yellow by time. And that hadn't been connected to anything since he was a boy. A final lurch brought forth the objecting former contents of his stomach. Clear, tasteless. Water, he decided, feeling the final rush of nausea subside. [color=#00bb12][i]“And at any rate dont think there would be much to say...Atleast yet.”[/i][/color] He thinks as his Adams apple resignedly removes itself from the bottom of his chin and back towards its home on his neck. Somehow, despite his optimism, he didn't see telling his father that he just willed a stone into existence would do any good. [color=#00bb12]“Speak of the devil...”[/color] He mumbles, weakly picking up the still shining gem careful not to disturb the bucket. Its surface was rough and uneven and it was more oblong than round than he thought it should be. And considering he just deposited what little was in his stomach back into the world to make it, it was upsettingly small. He rolls the pebble in his hands a few times, letting its weight settle his still churning stomach. Arthur's display earlier had seemed so grand. Pure even. His, on the other hand...Well, of all the things that could have been his divine gift, being a vomiting jewelry maker was not what he expected or wanted. He shakily stands up, leaving the room with bucket in tow. He didn't feel like embarrassing himself further after that, not that there was much else to say. Finding his room took a while and he could not get the door opened fast enough, happily disposing of the bucket and its contents in the bathroom before falling flat onto the bed.