[@POOHEAD189] I believe that the current use of nationalism as some sort of exclusively pejorative word [i]is[/i] newspeak. I have stated before my belief that nationalism has as much potential to do tremendous good as it can inflict harm and that there are countless forms and incarnations of it. I am under no illusion that Soviet nationalism was really positive for anyone, to include the Soviets themselves, just as I hold the same belief for nationalistic Nazi Germany. This is of course ignoring incredible discoveries and advancements of the world, because terrible acts of atrocity were committed under those banners of which nationalism was tied into; there is no denying that. However, because nationalism in the United States is manifest most commonly by patriotism, even to some extremes, I see no real or tangible danger in it. The country that is in question has too diverse an idea of what it means to be nationalist, patriotic, or even American in practice, rather than word. It is not likely to drum up some horror like a mass genocide, even if provoked and panicked. No less, it certainly does have claim to being a "superior nation" as many First World Nations could also grasp at, although it has added elements to this proclamation that make it more credible. It is the last true superpower - not forever of course, but in this time it is still the largest and most prominent player whose competition are attempting to chase after; I am not just speaking militarily either. Its people are diverse, from virtually any and all backgrounds, making them reasonably "the best" because of the multitude of differing cultures and ideals all the way on down to genetics. It has a history or prioritizing its citizens and state over that of others, something naturally beneficial to those who live within its confines, reasonably to some detriment of outsiders while remaining not callous to them as a whole in the process. There's minimal comparative suppression and repression of the populace, allowing even extreme forms of dissent and minority to hold very loud and at times powerful voices. So on and so forth - all luxuries in other nations, if present at all in them. To me, it is hard to believe that more people are not somehow nationalistic or patriotic in the United States.