The front gate was out of the question, he thought. Much too obvious, not to mention the risk of traps. No, he'd need to climb. Motioning to Herrik, his companion took to the skies, scouting out the area and glimpsing through windows to try to get a rough layout of the castle. Meanwhile, Urik cracked his neck, approaching a wall home to some creeping vines. Using the vines as his initial foothold, he slowly climbed the sheer side of the castle, using whatever alcoves and ledges he could take advantage of. As he did so, a misstep combined with his weight caused a small piece of brick to chip off underfoot, the rubble falling several yards into the bushes below. Nearly losing his balance, he grabbed his dagger, and with one swift motion, plunged it between two bricks to create something to grab hold onto. Sighing in relief, he continued, finally reaching the third-floor window. Prying it open, he silently stepped inside, sheathing his dagger and signalling Herrik to keep an eye out outside.