[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/UhJiGvP.png[/img][/center] [i]Beep... Beep... Beep... Beep... Beep...[/i] Robert's alarm continued to blare into his ear to announce the rising of the morning Sun as well as the beginning of classes. It took every single ounce of his self-control to not just stay in bed after hitting the off switch to the annoying clock. He'd worked so hard to get into Beacon after all, and he knew how disappointed his family would be in him if he decided to skip, just because of last night. [quote]As night fell over Beacon and the many relatives of the academy's student body filed out toward the docks to be taken back to their homes, Robert and Priscilla found themselves enjoying the sight of Vale as the far off lights all began to slowly switch on. "Y'know, things got pretty hairy out there on that mission to Fort Jaeger. I honestly wasn't sure what I would do without you, even before things started to get out of hand," the bespectacled boy said, flashing his girlfriend a smile. "It often times feels like the people I get close to always leave me for some reason or another. If anyone was able to come back though, I'm glad it was you."[/quote] After finishing his shower, Robert approached the bathroom mirror, wiping away the condensation that fogged up the glass. He stared into his reflection for several moments, trying to figure out if there was a reason to it. What was it that always seemed to drive people away? "You're such an idiot," he told himself, lowering his head in defeat. "Why did you ever think that you'd be allowed to keep it? That one sliver of happiness. That one connection that helped make everything better. Why?" Changing into his school uniform, he left his team's dorm before anyone could see him like he was now. Though would they have even brought up his less-than-cheery disposition even if he hadn't departed before they had woken? [quote]The boy was so ecstatic, he couldn't even notice that Priscilla's smile had faded several moments ago, before they had even walked up the steps to get to rooftops. "Robbie? I need to tell you something. I didn't want to say anything earlier because I thought it might make things awkward, but..." she began to say, trailing off as she gathered the strength to break the poor boy's heart.[/quote] The first three classes of the day seemed to just blur by. If asked, Robert couldn't even say what was even discussed in any of them. He was like a machine, filling out the tasks expected of him, like being present and in his seat when he was supposed to, but anything more complicated than that seemed to just go completely ignored. Every word said by the professor would go in one ear and out the other. Any assignments passed to him would be accepted before being handed to the next person without even a glance at what was on the paper. Requests to borrow supplies like an extra pencil were met with only silence as the redhaired student glared forward at the front of the classroom. He almost seemed to emit an uncomfortable aura to anyone that sat by him, as if at any moment he was just going to explode with rage. [quote]"Hmm? What is it? You can tell me. Is it about that whole thing with Trad and Sand? I'm still not quite sure what that was all about bu-" "No, it's not that, it's..."[/quote] Grimm Studies. Fourth period. Lunch had been spent on the same rooftop as light night so as to avoid interacting with anyone, so it wasn't until Prof. Port's class finally rolled around that Robert was snapped out of his funk. He recalled how on their very first day, several students had been chosen to take on some lower level Grimm in order to demonstrate to the rest of the class the do's and do not's of fighting the beasts. [quote]"Robbie... I'm leaving."[/quote] This was it. This was where he could finally let out all of this pent up aggression that had been stored up inside, all collected from his attempts to stay calm, despite everything he'd been through. This was where he could finally let loose. May the four maidens have mercy on the poor creature that he would be facing down.