[@Banana] Taleste sat in the same seat she used for monitoring the skies, and even gave it a few glances in the comfirtable (at least to her) silence that followed. She was such a socialite, that even doing literally nothing in the presence of a crewmate was better than entertaining herself alone in her eyes. She didn't want to force Tibulus to talk, as she'd reached the stage with him where she didn't want to annoy him. He didn't mind her company, it seemed, and that was valuable. So she was pleasantly surprised when he asked her about herself. Taleste was not secretive. She just wasn't an over-sharer. She had accrued many stories in her years of thievery but she only told people who asked to hear them. "Well, me an' the whuns I wus travelling with at the time, the Cosmos rest their souls, had a stupid cap'n. He wunted to break into an Alliance fort and steal a Class J diamond. We're talkin' the worth uv a couple'a planets 'ere. It went badly, as yud expect, and I surrendered before anybody even sin me. Got the safe open, tho, and I saw the gem." The plucky thief stopped smiling and looked out of the screen. "Those whuns all died that day, but this crew's different. This crew's made of survivors."