I'm good with that, it's unlikely they will know each other too well and my character's not a medic, he knows a little anatomy and chemistry that could help medically ...but that's just about it. :/. [@Mr Rage] I'm not the kind to mind playing a character that isn't well known or very popular, I am cool with the idea of having nothing to do with your character until they are put on a mission together. I mean, at most I just have nothing meaningful to post meanwhile! :D. [@Prisk] My internet got interupted for the past few days, server is complete nonsense. I don't think I have a starbucks nearby either to steal internet from. But I'm back! I think it's best to leave my character's relationship post sparse, then build impressions off on the first time he meets anyone. It gives me a chance to write. This is the reason why I've been avoiding reading other's profiles (other than the very basic things like index, division and pressence) so far, I don't want it influencing. I also think no one really wants to relate to him OOC so far, so that works out. There's always that one quiet guy at school, yeah? Time to get to work on those changes (intend to change his strife to something else), right?