[h3]Last Days[/h3][hr][b]Dr. Simon Pierce[/b] [b]Director ; Minerva Archive[/b] "What do you mean you [i]lost[/i] Tassle Aryl? He's not a set of car keys!" Dr. Pierce was about to continue his barrage on the young research assistant when he was suddenly accosted. Spun around on his heel, Pierce came face to face with Dr. Quinn. The young woman was clearly distraught, her hair disheveled. Pierce clutched his clipboard defensively until Quinn calmed herself. [color=dimgray] "Tell me it's just a silly threat from a pencil pusher somewhere." She looked desperate now. "Tell me they are not closing the Minerva Archive down." She whispered almost out of breath and fuel. [/color] "I sent a memo out last week..." sputtered Pierce weakly. A few words sent in a mass e-mail fueled by a half bottle of bourbon. Dr. Pierce wasn't one to usually give into more pedestrian vices but his life's work reduced to a resounding "NO" in black & white had pushed him over the edge. The booze was gone, the ramifications of the DoD's decision was not. "Look uh...Aiofe is it? Walk with me a moment. Are you hungry?" Dr. Pierce started down the silent corridor motioning for Dr. Quinn to follow. "This isn't the end. It's just a change in circumstance. These...'pencil-pushers' do this sort of thing all the time when they want to intimidate the poor fools in the trenches," Dr. Pierce smiled weakly, knowing it was a lie.