Hey uh Dynamo. Thanks for the thumbs up on my character but does that mean he's approved? Also, here was the other character idea I had but I hadn't figured out a mech for her: -Pilot Sheet- Name: Sonja Nakano Appearance: [img]https://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/advancewars/images/d/d6/Awds-sonja.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20081013022917[/img] Age: 18 Origin: Unknown Height: 5'9" Weight: Unknown Backstory: Not much is known of Sonja Nakano. While she claims to be a war orphan, some wonder if there's any truth behind that. All that's known is that she was personally scouted by the founder of the Outcast Guild to be one of their many members of the Comms Centre. Due in part to her knack with computers and other related equipment. It's also said that she also excels in information gathering and reconnisance. Usually handling that part of the job should it be requested. A female teen who seems devoid of human feelings, she does speak and act normally but tends to keep things professional when on the job. Tactical Preference & Skills: Sonja is the "brains" of any group she's in. She believes in always having a plan and never going in and "rolling with the punches" as some tell her to sometimes. A computer and software manager as well as being a radio operator, she always does her best to assist with any problems within or outside the Outcast Guild. Quote: "Brains beats brawn but there's more to that concept than that."