[hr][hr][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Deeper%20Than%20The%20Sands:%20Chapter%20One&name=prinp___.ttf&size=30&style_color=f7976a[/img][hr][@rivaan] [@Pundii] [@Morose] [@Nallore] [hr][h3][b][color=f7976a]October 4th, 1924 - 10:55 A.M. Local Time[/color][/b][/h3][hr][/center] [color=f7976a][b][i]Barracks (Infirmary):[/i][/b][/color] "It will be no issue Miss. Just simply being here and ensuring nothing scandalous happens is all that is required at this time," the medic said in a kind voice as William brought Vera into the examination room and set her down. Vera looked over to Lauren and gave her a nervous smile. [color=f7976a]"Thank you,"[/color] she said quietly before her head jerked to the side and she looked up at William quickly. He was going to go back with her to the museum? It seemed like he was insisting as he volunteered himself. Why? Just the two of them? Then he inserted Lauren, volunteering her as well. She found herself biting her bottom lip. She didn't know if she relieved or angered he wanted to bring another woman along. Though she couldn't blame him if he did, Lauren was very beautiful and kind, seemed to know her way around the world. Of course she would have peeked his interest. She felt a knot in her stomach forming. She was jealous? Ludicrous! Why should she be jealous! She had a wonderful handsome, well bred man that was courting her now. What did she care who some boorish American grave robber fancied? She didn't, of course not. [color=f7976a]"Yes, of course. I at least owe you a proper meal and thanks for all your help Lauren,"[/color] she said, stumbling over her words as she looked away from William quickly. Taking the medics hand as he held it out, he helped her onto the examination table and began the exam. It was simple enough. Checking for fever, checking her eyes and ears. Making her say ahh and looking at her throat. Feeling her lymph nods. Her feet sat swinging over the edge of the examination table as he listened to her heart and asked her to breath deeply. Her lips parted slightly as she took each slow breath in and held it before letting it go slowly. Her eyes drifting to Williams for a moment as she did. The medic looked up, his brow cocking slightly as he noticed an increase of her heart rate. The man got a cocky smile to his lips before finishing up. "That will be all. You seem right as rain Lady Munn. It must have just been a [i]spell[/i]. I will say take it easy though, it could continue to happen until the under laying cause rights itself," he said as he helped her off the table. [color=f7976a]"Under laying cause?"[/color] she asked perplexed as she looked away from William and over towards the medic. He took a deep breath, wondering how to phrase this but he had no chance. Before a word left his lips the door of the exam room swung open and Peter stood there looking rather worried. [color=82ca9d]"Vera, darling, are you alright?"[/color] he asked quickly as he stepped over to her, one hand leaning on his cane as his other came up and cupped her cheek softly. Stroking her skin gently with his thumb. Vera found herself frozen for a moment before she nodded slowly. She felt sick to her stomach once again. What was going on? What was wrong with her? Around William she felt hot, feverish. Her heart palpitated and her breath deepened. Now around Peter she felt nauseous and as if she was gong to break out in a cold sweat. [color=f7976a][b][i]Cairo Headed Towards The Museum:[/i][/b][/color] Neema nodded sympathetically as the continued their stroll towards the museum. They were not taking a direct route, Neema leading them down various side roads and the like as she avoided the main tourist thoroughfares. She preferred the less traveled areas of the city and while it would take longer they should still arrive in plenty of time. "Yes, I can imagine and yet the waters we find ourselves swimming in that we never imagined may take us to shores we have only dreamt of," she said in a reassuring voice as she rested her hand over Nora's as they walked and gave a gentle pat; like a grandmother comforting a child. "Bubastis you say? Ahh, then the museum should hold some treasures for us beyond your meeting. I was one part of a dig there, so many years ago. We discovered tiles and donated them to the museum, among other things. Perhaps your friend at the museum could arrange for us to have a look at them? They might hold some keys," she said as she continued to walk. Tiles? Could these be the same ones that Vera had pulled from the archives the night before or were there more? "If Bastet is the one pointing you in a direction, then we should make sure to be as kind as possible to the feline in the area, of which there are plenty," she said with a slight chuckle. It was true, every few blocks they went it seemed another cat was crossing their path now, watching them for a moment before moving on or sitting perched somewhere and meowing towards them. [color=f7976a][i][b]The Road To The Museum:[/b][/i][/color] "Of course. Nice to meet you Mosi," Rosheen said kindly before the man brought over a plate piled high with food, it was all wrapped up in the bread and covered in the sauce he had had Mosi taste just a few minutes before. Around that it was wrapped in butchers paper of sorts so it could be easily carried if she chose to eat on the run as it were. "There you go, eat, eat. Enjoy!" he said happily as he tapped the jar on the counter. It had various amounts of money it. Some local, some British, some American. Nodding towards Rosheen he went back to calling out to people as they passed, trying to entice them to come and try his food. Rosheen just chuckled at his over zealous personal advertising before turning her attention back to Mosi. "Well there are some fine silks further down the street here. The quality is much finer and they are woven with rabbits fur instead of cotton like for the tourists. Much softer and more beautiful. He even has some pure silks you might find enticing," Rosheen said pointing down the side street a ways. The cat that had been perched had jumped down and was padding her feet through the street before coming up to Mosi and raising up on her hind legs, pawing at her right her front as she stood there. "Seems someone either wants a friend or food," Rosheen said with a smile.