[center][h1][url=https://dicecloud.com/character/EKP4jKmn8mSm7nd4L/Kiki-Milaan][color=0072bc]Kiki Milaan [/color][img]https://i.imgur.com/JdSH8td.png[/img][/url][/h1][/center][hr] The shadows granted to Kiki by the underbrush would only be helpful as long as she remained hidden, but the sudden sounds of combat proved to her this was impossible. The last time a battle had broken out... but no, she couldn't think about that now. Her newfound friends needed her. Probably the barbarian too. Kiki rushed forward from the brush, flying at the nearest goblin with her blades in hand. The first attack was aimed towards the goblin's neck, while the second was intended for his ally nearby should the first target fall. Silent. Deadly. Scared shitless, but she was still alive. So were her friends by the looks of it, although the trees blocked her view of the horses in the road. Kiki turned towards the nearest goblin, whipping the fresh blood from her blades in a sharp salute towards her foe. [color=0072bc]"If you value your life, run,"[/color] she growled, praying the goblin could not hear the waver in her voice as she got ready to charge towards it. She hoped her voice was loud enough to carry to the wagons behind her, for if her plans failed or her aim was not true, she would be the one in dire need of a cleric. [hider=Mechanics]Kiki moves to L5 and attacks the goblin at K6. [b]Attack Roll:[/b] 1d20+5 = [b]23[/b]. [b]Damage:[/b] 1d8+3 = 6 (weapon) + 1d6 = 5 (sneak) => [color=0072bc][b]11[/b][/color] piercing damage. If the goblin is dead, will move onto its square to attack the goblin at J7 with her shortsword as a bonus action. If the first goblin survives, she will attack it again instead. [b]Attack Roll:[/b] 1d20+5 = [b]20[/b]. [b]Damage:[/b] 1d6 = [color=0072bc][b]4[/b][/color] piercing damage (no mod for offhand attack). If applicable, [b]Intimidation:[/b] 8.[/hider]