[hider=Anomaly][b]Name:[/b] Xoxi Violetta Slevryn [b]Freak Label:[/b] [color=ec008c]Anomaly[/color] [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]Faction:[/b] Freak (Not actually a Freak, but fits in well with them due to her lack of arms. She's really an Epic) [b]Ability:[/b] Psychic fists! Xoxi is able to conjure and control up to two psychic hands at will, and each hand would act the same as any old appendage, but it comes with the catch that Xoxi is unable to feel any pain that these hands would have to experience while still being able to feel most sensations (she struggles to differentiate textures, weight, and temperature unless it's an extreme difference). Both hands can vary in size, with it being the size of an average human hand or increasing to around double that size, should she wish for that. [b]"Mutation":[/b] Somewhat tying into her past, Xoxi has permanently lost her arms due to an... unknown disease, and any attempts to give a suitable replacement to her arms via surgical attachment or prosthetics will result in the replacement being completely useless. Effectively, Xoxi is unable to have arms, but she copes with it because she has her cool ghost hands to use instead, so it isn't so bad. [b]Weakness:[/b] Fire. If Xoxi is around fire, she'll go into a panic and lose all connection to her abilities, which makes the situation a bit more problematic as she has no arms to extinguish the flame. Aside from that, there's not a ton that can stop her psychic abilities. [b]Personality:[/b] Xoxi acts rather blasphemous to other's beliefs, hashing them as their own ideology of what they simply choose to believe in, and while she doesn't care about whaat you are, be it a Freak, Epic, or just a nobody, she'll accuse you of being an idiot when you worship a High over all else. Her ultimate goal in life isn't to steal the power of a High, or anything of the sort, but it is to ascend to the position of a High and really see if they're an urban legend or reality. Aside from that, Xoxi is an incredibly laid back individual, preferring being cold to warm, and she doesn't mind playing a round of video games using her psychic hands. That being said, she's deathly afraid of fire, and she will refuse to go within 10 feet of any flame that isn't small and controlled (stoves don't bother her, but campfires do). [b]Appearance:[/b] Standing at 5'1", boasting nothing but a flat chest, no arms, and a large burn scar down the side of her body, Xoxi is a rather unremarkable specimen. She likes to wear more comfortable clothes and commonly will be seen wearing a purple hoodie and any old set of pants she can find that belong to her. When she's out and about being Anomaly, however, she'll put a black leather jacket over her hoodie for some added protection, and she'll carry a bandana around just in case she has to hide her identity. Surprisingly, this works out more often than you would think. [b]Background:[/b] Born to a broken household a few towns away from Epic City, Xoxi's life wasn't super interesting aside from the fact that her parents divorced when she was young. In the divorce, her father got custody of her and cared for her like she was the only thing that mattered, and while he couldn't afford a ton of luxuries due to his unfortunate employment circumstances, the two managed to get by in their small apartment on a fair budget, although life got considerably harder when Xoxi was identified with the unknown disease that took her arms away in a mass of rotted flesh and such (it only affected her arms, interestingly). Now on a smaller budget, Xoxi's father took her out of school in order to help her cope with the loss of her arms, which she didn't really care that she lost as long as she was with her dad. The two attempted many times to get a suitable prosthetic from, but every attempt failed as the prosthetic limbs were unable to be secured without causing some other form of difficulty to Xoxi, including having a set stiffen out to the her sides 24/7, another set completely falling apart as soon as they left the building, and various other ways that the sets fell apart. When Xoxi was 16, a fire broke out in her apartment complex, and it spread fast to the point where her dad and her were quickly in grave danger. While her dad's life was claimed by the burning, Xoxi was saved due to a voice in her head telling her that she could get out if "she could see the hands that guided her." It was then that Xoxi discovered her psychic abilities, using the ghostly hands in front of her to break down the door and get out of the complex. The fire claimed a bit of her body, as a large scar was etched into her skin that night, but she was alive. After being admitted into Epic City's hospital burn ward (the town she lived in before didn't really have a hospital able to treat her wounds), the doctors that tended to her burns were dumbfounded that this double amputee managed to survive the fire despite having no arms, dubbing her survival as an anomaly of unknown proportions. She shrugged it off, knowing that she could do marvelous things with her mind fists, but that day has given her a permanent resentment of fire. She left the hospital's care soon after, in search of a new place to call home. She knew that efforts of adoption in this city were slim if you weren't a kid, and she was at a further disadvantage than some with her lack of arms. Eventually, she encountered another Freak, who assumed she was something like him (though less horrific) due to her lack of arms, and he asked her what she went by. The first word that came to her mind when she had to tell him was "anomaly", so she took up the name in order to protect who she truly was. From that day forward, the Freak that asked her identity would become her best friend, and he showed her where people like them were able to fit in. Xoxi currently resides in Undertown as Anomaly, alongside the comfort of her best friend Pudding (the only way to describe this guy was that he was an anthropomorphic pile of sludge), and she has her dream of ascending to the position of a High, although she doesn't know if she'll ever amount to that.[/hider]