*The path chosen by Karma leads down, down, down, several winding flights of carved stone steps. The air grows colder and colder until Karma would be able to see her own breath. The lights are fewer and farther between. At the bottom of the stairs is a large room with a number of cells set against the walls all around. Only two of the cells have occupants. One, a rather large looking rat, and other other the crumpled form of Mergoux. She's been stripped and chained, not to the wall, but to the bars of the cage, to prevent her from hiding in the corners and out of reach. She's been badly beaten, her body covered in bruises. gashes and burns from what the WereTigers have done to her. Some of her tattoos are almost invisible against the dark bruising covering much of her legs and her face is barely recognizable, nose broken, both eyes blackened and a long gash down the right side of her face* *She lies in the cell, breathing shallowly and obviously unconscious* *Iris stands in the doorway, utterly in shock before she screams* Iris: HANNA! NOOOOO!!! *She races to Hanna's side, and with her new claws, slices the crude rope holding her up. She pulls her down and lays her on the bed, hot tears streaming from her eyes* Iris: No baby please don't do this... Please.. *She starts preforming CPR, trying to bring Hanna back* *Horus sighs* Horus: Iris is my wife, she had some... troubles... She's resting now but I should go and tend to her soon