[hider=My Character] [b]Character Name:[/b] Kayden Aberglen. [b]Race/Species:[/b] Human (Borderlander, from the Kingdom of Eilean) [b]Gender:[/b] M [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Career/Class:[/b] Mercenary Captain [b]Weapons:[/b] [list] [*]Arming sword [*]Hunting Bow [*]Hunting Spear [/list] [b]Physical Description (as detailed as possible please, pictures not accepted.):[/b] A lean, fit, but refined man with dark hair and eyes, with a navy blue tunic over chainmail (covering leather) and loose fitting dark brown trousers. With the sword strapped to his hip and the bow strung at his back, his forearms wrapped in purple cloth, connecting to golden rings along his middle fingers. On his left hand, his ring finger bears an expensive diamond. He dons a single earring on his left ear. Has black tattoos along his forearms of a coyote and a dragon (covered by the purple cloth), indicating he is an heir of Eilean. Considered quite handsome by many a maiden. [b]Armor:[/b] [list] [*]Chainmail hauberk [*]Leather armor [*]Leather bracers/pauldrons [/list] [b]Equipment/Other[/b] [list] [*]Sword sharpening/cleaning kit [*]30 arrows [*]Water Jug [*]Herbal remedy to halt light bleeding [*]3 pounds of beef jerky [/list] [b]Mental Description/Personality:[/b] Kayden's charismatic in various perspectives. He knows how to command men in battle, and he knows how to woo women into his bed. It's quite funny, because strong willed women are what he is most attracted to, yet it's what he is most shy with. He has a problem with authority, getting quite agitated if he is being ordered on what to do for more than a small length of time. He's determined, yet frustrated, proud of who he is, yet forsaken his family name. He enjoys leading men into battle, but hates himself for it, for he knows it's nothing more than toying with their lives. If he could escape a position, no matter how highborn, that he did not enjoy, who was he to lead men to their deaths? He has an astute and tactically brilliant mind. He has the intelligence to remain hidden, yet the arrogance to not change his name or remove his jewelry. He often enjoys drawing, if he can get his hands upon a quill and some parchment. It was a skill that came naturally to him, however he decided to pursue it to clear his mind and show himself he could do more than what his father wanted him to. He's an avid and skilled chess player as well, his strategic mind translating well upon the board. Kayden fears being captured and taken back to his father, but his true fear is the meaning behind it. He fears a life of mediocrity, a life lived un-authentically, and to trade in his freedom of choice for 'security' and 'duty.' [b]Goals:[/b] Kayden's goals are to seek his own fame and fortune, through his own skill and determination. He wants to live as a free man, outside of the pointless bickering of the court. [/hider]