[center][color=teal][h2]Jessamyn "Jess" Bailey[/h2][/color][/center] Jess hadn't thought introducing Roxy would cause that little jolt of surprise from her. Then again, it was obvious the anchor thought she didn't care about her, and there was no convincing her otherwise. The empath hoped they'd at least be able to seem like they got along reasonably well throughout this visit. [color=aqua]"Nice to meet you,"[/color] her mother said, facing Roxy, her words sounding a little false. They contrasted with the flickers of doubt and worry she gave off. [color=teal]"Uh..."[/color] Jess nodded at Roxy's suggestion. [color=teal]"Yeah. It's... It's a comfy place."[/color] Hopefully she'd be able to reassure her mother that this wasn't actually a bad place to live. As the three headed up the stairs, she wondered if she should offer to make coffee. After the earlier fiasco over sharing things, though, she didn't know how Roxy would react. No sooner had they reached the landing than a sudden pulse of shock hit Jess. She cringed inwardly. Great. The knives. Glancing over at her mother, who looked at the workout area with an eyebrow raised, she wondered how she'd explain this.