[@Necroes] fair point, But: as for the power level, that is a good point i should have condidered. However being a protagonist of a story in 40k does not require being a Primarch or whatever. There are plenty of stories of random troopers to show the prospective of the common man, so they dont have to be much better than anyone else just more intresting which can be captured without power. Which is what i was trying to capture with Ga'duk and Oskar. And JB did tell you early on to Nerf the ork, and i wont speak for anyone else but i expected him to come much closer to our level. I understand you are being much more liberal with the fluff interperetations, but i think its obvious that many of us are less so. And it wasnt liberal fluff interperetations i was calling BS on. at least not all the time. It was the critical metagaming that the ork knows how to do whatever is convinent at the time added to the fluff justification. Eg: how does he know how to shape wraithbone, or create these chaos spawn slaves when all he is supposed to know is how to blow shit up. I didnt say this was your fault and i acknowledged why i didnt press the issue before. which boiled down to RPing a fking retarded character while everyone else ignored it. That being said... you have done very little to justify that being ignored and have now openly attacked Oskar and Xeph. Since Oskar has no reason to ignore the problem, he wont. I was more expressing my confusion as why everyone else is still just ignoring it as the ork has proven to be dangerous, powerful and unpredictable.