Paladin lurched some as he took aim at the towers, nice stationary target who had no clue what was about to hit them. Letting off a volley from Paladin, Ariin listened of course they all knew their frames better than each other what they needed was dedicated teams. Fast attack group, heavy support team, and front line teams. An arrangement suits to help break what was a rather large squad into small fire teams able to be tasked and depend upon each with ease. He'd have to voice his thoughts later, right now they needed the towers down. Turning he locked in a second volley and fired a second volley at the other target further out, they were easy shots to the blast alone even if he missed would probably collapse that part of the wall. His gun was more akin ground to orbit weaponry than anything else. "You can all go on ahead, Paladin's too slow and in tight spaces my guns practically useless. I can stay outside and provide cover if you need to make a retreat, I'd suggest our other heavy mechs do the same." He added letting them know his opinions on the matter.