[h2]Marxello Catchanale[/h2] 'We tell those who are in a position to learn about it because it's the truth, and arguably more compelling a reason to be on guard than being killed,' Mark explained to Bart. And it was, realistically, more appropriate to tell them the truth about the [i]mamono[/i], if only to make it seem as unappealing as possible - better that than the peasantry first being raped, and then realising that the rape's only the half of it, whilst the other half is having their minds warped to [i]want[/i] that scenario as a result of the scenario itself. How awful a fate. And what a good reason to fight against it. 'As for the guild's surging popularity... well, when you put it like that, it is a bit surprising. I guess it's due to it being a force that people can go to if they have issues that can't otherwise be dealt with,' Mark pondered. 'No doubt, if it keeps being this successful, we'll be in the building proper in no time.' With time, the other members of the guild returned - sans Tue and her Living Doll, as Bart pointed out. Had they decided to pursue their goals elsewhere? Mark did have to wonder if he should have at least purified Tue whilst he had the chance, but eventually gave his opinion: 'I think Tue and Bunny might have left us, unfortunately. Alas. They did help us handle a cannibal near Ambran, though.'