"If someone offered you the chance to go home, would you take it?" Fionm asked as they claimed another trap, and another small beast "It will sound dramatic to say, but there is no 'home' to go back to anymore. Not in the deepest sense of the word. My planet exists. My city exists. My tower exists, replete with all the wonders that were contained within... however, the things that made it home are no longer," Nakreyya replied, her eye looking somewhat distant as she spoke. "So, no, I have no reason to go back there - nor any desire to see what it has become in my absence." She felt her shoulders relax as she spoke to Fionn. He was - if she could forgive herself the pun - a kindred spirit. His eyes held the shadows of darkness in his past. Though he was certainly younger than she, he was well traveled, and not nearly as adrift. She was ill accustomed to people such as him, and his envoy. He was in the company of interesting people, and they seemed genuine. "How about you, Fionn? Do you consider your Star-Ship your home?" She looked him over as she spoke. [center] ********** [/center] Nakreyya's eyepiece alerted her to the magic being used, though she couldn't see what specifically had happened. It had been such a long time since magic had been used around her that the stimulus from the eyepiece surprised her. She clutched the side of her head near the eyepiece for a moment, before shaking her head clear. The only back retreating from her stall was the small and "innocent" one. Nakreyya glanced over and watched the small one for a moment, noting features to follow up after the crowd around her stall died down. She ultimately decided the loss of one bird was not enough for her to abandon the people shopping before her. She would lose more business than was prudent for one small theft - and though the principal of the thing still mattered to her, she bent to logic. She simply made a note that she would try to find the small thief later. Any use of the thief's magic would make her easier to trace, and perhaps they would have a conversation about propriety at some future date. She watched TC as he moved through the crowd. He seemed bothered by something for a moment, as if he too had sensed the magic. Though she did not believe he was as concerned about the theft. It must be something else. Behind her, Anzu raised his head and sniffed the air, snorting it. That was odd. He did not usually pay much mind. Whatever the issue was, if it had both TC and Anzu on alert, Nakreyya felt she needed vigilance. And yet - all of this had to happen while she kept a smile over her features. She apologized for her headache, explained it was a glitch in her eyepiece, and continued to make the necessary sales to the individuals before her at her stall. [@Corporal Lance][@Silvan Haven][@LPRKN][@JaceBeleren][@Lyla][@Hekazu]