"I know you're trying my boy, I don't doubt you are. I just don't want you to be discouraged," Yusef reassured as he got T'charrl to his feet. Haku would serve as an excellent aide for this exercise, and with his friend present perhaps the Prince would be a little more confident in himself as well. "Things take time, cities are not built in one day and warriors only become warriors after years of practice. It took me almost 5 moons to become proficient with the sword and twice as long to reach the rank of captain, so I speak from experience when I say: be patient. And do not rush, our time may be limited but its more than enough for what we're doing. Just allow yourself to fail and learn from each failure, that's how you improve." They were much like the mud bricks with which buildings were built upon - or the stones which created the castle beneath the surface - it took many of them, layer over layer, until the final successful product was completed. But perhaps he'd save the analogies for another time, he didn't want T'charrl's head to be spinning while he was trying to focus. "Now then, give it your best effort!" "Y-You've got this T'charrl! And I'm r-r-right here to help if you n-need it!" Haku placed himself behind his friend and smiled nervously, holding his hands out in front of him just in case. Come to think of it wouldn't this be much easier if Yusef were to do this? T'charrl's father was nearly twice as tall as him and just as wide, catching the Prince would be child's play for him. "Uh... Mister Y-Yusef... Shouldn't we..." he began, promptly going silent and gasping as the howling of the wind drowned him out. Closing his eyes and keeping his hands outstretched Haku stood firm, shirking his shoulders as the wind whistled around him and slammed against T'charrl. The gusts only lasted for a few seconds but the sound made it seem to drag forever, and when the winds finally subsided Haku opened his eyes and looked up, beaming in delight seeing T'charrl still upright and without any help from him whatsoever. "You did it! You really did it!" Haku exclaimed as he jumped up in the air, hurrying over and putting a hand up for a high five before awkwardly lowering it when he realized T'charrl didn't know what to do. "S-See? Told you you can do it! You'll g-get this in no time!" ---------- "Tch, I'm just not going to waste any of it on you," Takeshi muttered dismissively as he sneered at Krom, "And it's [i]so[/i] nice that you're concerned about me, maybe I had the wrong idea about you. Maybe you're really a good guy after all and not a total ass." As if, everyone knew the only reason Krom was doing any of this was because it had been ordered. He'd probably just as soon try to kidnap one of them again if it meant getting on their shitty old man's good side. So where they going to get to training or was this going to be all they did the whole time? Ready to get moving along with things already Takeshi clenched his jaw tightly when Krom made a jab about their mother, folding his arms to refrain from lashing out, his nails digging into his bicep as he smiled. "Don't bring her up you bastard or I'll kill you, got it? I don't care what Aito or anyone else says." Krom was over it and was quick to tell him to get a move on, and Takeshi would have shot back again if Shu hadn't echoed the guy's sentiment. Blinking in surprise and watching as Shu left the room he scoffed in annoyance, more towards Krom than anything else. Shu was probably in a shitty mood because they couldn't train together and because his older brother was in a bad mood, and he was only in a bad mood because of the jerk training him. They were supposed to be relaxing and having fun and instead his little brother was angry with him. "Whatever, let's get this over with already, don't waste my time alright?" ---------- Was this really the best course of action? They needed to make peace with each other but Vegeta had difficulty believing that a sparring session was the way to go. While certainly a way to vent some frustrations and release stress the likelihood of having any meaningful discussion - or any discussion really - was seriously stunted with the addition of flying fists to the face. "And yet father insists its our best option... Or rather, [i]my[/i] best option," Vegeta corrected as he glanced down at himself, fixing the belt around his waist. Lacking in any meaningful clothing for such an occasion he'd been forced to borrow a set of Takeshi's clothes of all things and they were comically too small for him. The top he could get away with even if it did barely reach past his waist, but the pants were barely down past his shins, looking much more like shorts. Coupled with his business shoes - he lacked any decent training shoes - it was clearly a mashup of an outfit. Rolling his eyes and running his hand back through his hair he looked up to the doors leading to the training room and paused outside, waiting when he heard Aito speaking. "I really can't win with you. I'm in the wrong whether I'm helping or ignoring you," Aito lamented with a sigh, shaking his head with his hands raised in defeat, "But I think you could use this, and I know there's plenty that Vegeta needs to answer for. Myself as well, but he agreed that today the two of you could have a talk. And I'm merely here as a moderator if you will." And to oversee the inevitable fight that was coming between the two, they had to be sure not to ruin the room after all. "Speaking of Vegeta... You're welcome to come into the room whenever you'd like! We're waiting on you after all," he shouted, watching the doors part and stifling a laugh spotting his son. He'd suggested finding some clothing and suggested Takeshi's but he hadn't realized just how much taller Vegeta was than the other boy. It was like he'd tried to wash his clothing and it had shrunk in the dryer. Snickering and clearing his throat as Vegeta entered the room he took a deep breath and let out a childish giggle, smiling innocently as he was given a dirty look. "Well we're all here! I guess now we can have that little chat of ours!" "Dad, please... You're insulting Viral and my intelligence by calling it a 'chat'. I didn't dress like this so we could talk," Vegeta grumbled in annoyance, folding his arms and looking at Viral, "Though he's not wrong... We do need to talk. But he's also told me you've been keen to spar with someone and I've been meaning to get back to it myself, looks like we could both use a partner. You can thank our father for this scheme by the way, he dragged me into it. If you're going to be angry then direct it at him." "You're the one that suggested we let him blow off steam, and in my defense you left that up to my interpretation," Aito answered back with a laugh. "Right... I suppose I should be glad you didn't try anything more outlandish," Vegeta noted as he closed his eyes and exhaled, lowering his arms and starting to stretch himself out. "Well Viral, if you're not opposed to it then I suppose we can get started? Unless you'd rather sit down and simply talk, I'm open to either really. Though idle chatter isn't going to keep me from falling out of practice."