SHE IS DONE! ANOTHER FOR THE DARK AND EDGY BACKSTORY™ CREW If anything needs changing just give me a shout [hider=Ninty Bat] Appearance : In true Elven manner she stands high above most Humans and some might say she looks fairly beautiful, given half a chance. But she appears far too thin and bags sit underneath her piercing brown eyes. Ginger hair, cut roughly to her neck, sticks out in odd directions from beneath a sturdy leather hood. Her nose is crooked from a bad break but luckily, she still has all her teeth. Her armour is simple leather, but her boots are a much higher quality, beneath which she wears simple green clothing. Ninty carries all her belongings in a simple brown satchel tied to her back alongside her bow, a quiver attached to her belt, and finally a dented violin case she carries in hand. Name : Ninty Bat Title : The Lyrical Ranger Gender : Female Age : 47 Personality : Simply put Ninty is loud and brash; she’s very self-assured, prefers to confront things head on, and refuses to give in to anyone without good reason. And like her parents before her, she’d rather die than give up her morals. She’s speak to others with all honesty but tries to put a comforting spin on things and expects others to do the same for her, and isn’t at all pleased when they don’t. Often this has led to fights and falling outs with other people but Ninty refuses to feel bad about it. Sadly, once she gets riled up there’s not much anyone can do to calm her down other than wait for her to tire herself out. Also, she does has a envious streak especially when others can do things she prides herself in with more speed and grace, or simply has something she wants. Whilst not the most intelligent person Ninty is by no means a simpleton, some might say there’s more going on up there than even she knows, and she is not averse to showing off if given half the chance. Her pride has gotten her into trouble on numerous occasions. Abilities : - Ninty can speak a few languages with enough proficiency to have a simple conversation. - Good at remembering details, but only for a few days. - Able to track animals like deer or bears. Skills : - Basic wilderness skills including cooking, foraging, trapmaking and camping. However, the majority of this is self-taught so she is by no means an expert. - Setting up and running a business and day to day management. - Playing the violin. - Cooking meals. Gear : - A notebook and pencil, halfway filled with songs and little tunes - A simple bow along with a selection of arrows or varying quality - Her Grandmothers Violin, a once beautiful instrument covered in scenes worn and chipped almost beyond recognition. Bio : Once upon a time, Ninty had the perfect life with her Fathers and Grandmother in the port city of Brazen, a city that connected the West to the rest of the world. Together her Father Nathaniel, a savvy businessman, and her Papa Andrew, a seasoned sailor, ran one of the most lucrative trading companies around; whether it be jewels, food, or other such goods the Midnight Trading Co was the place to go. Whilst Ninty was indeed lavished with only the very best of everything it was her Grandmother, Narral, that resolutely made sure that Ninty didn’t grow up a spoiled brat and dragged the screaming toddler into the kitchens to do the washing up every day. Her Parents (wisely) decided not to get in her Grandmothers way. Of course Ninty soon enough had to begin thinking about marriage and then later taking over the family business. As a family of elves there was plenty of time but Ninty none-the-less began asking her Father about how to run a business and her Papa about the best times for sailing. While Ninty enjoyed sitting in on board meetings and weekend sailing trips it was still a dull life, devoid of something small but important, so her Grandmother gave Ninty her violin and began to teach her. Many years passed by in relative peace disturbed only by the constant gossip and tabloids proclaiming war further west. But Ninty paid it no mind safe in the knowledge that no one would attack her home, even as the commoners began to flee the city. It had been a beautiful day when the world ended, the sky was clear and the gulls had ceased their screaming, and as she practiced in the Library Ninty admired the few of boats in the docks. She payed no mind to the servants that hadn’t cleaned that day, or the cook who had simply left without a word. Her Grandmother came crashing through in a state of panic demanding the she had to leave the city at once. Ninty was thrown into a cab waiting outside and told to get on the boat at the docks where her grandmother promised to meet her with her Fathers. It was on the ship that Ninty realized her world had ended. Standing on the dock of the ship filled to bursting with refugees just like her, violin clutched tightly in her hands, and no sight of her family she realised she was alone. Watching the city drift away from them as a plume of dust and debris was thrown skyward by pillars of fire Ninty wondered what was she to do now? Years past and Niny had long since given up on returning home. Nights spent in the woods huddled with others running for their lives from the Great Lords armies had striped her of such naivety but did little to tame the spirit her grandmother had cultivated. In roadside taverns she played her Violin for a bed and a meal before setting off again with everyone else to Cartevan; a human city that had become a haven to refugees like her. But as the war continued those who live there became restless and unhappy with all the ‘immigrants’ taking their jobs and homes, shortly a slum grew on the cities side like a tumour as Ninty and her fellow Elves were driven out but had nowhere to go. Even with the war long over The Slum is still there. 3 years after the Great War, The Rusty Boar was the best tavern in the Slum and was where Ninty worked as a performer and bar maid to pay her rent. One night she overheard a group of adventurers discussing their travels and one mentioned being attacked by a group of Goblins on his journey and a married couple by the name of Bat helping him. The tray she had been carrying was quickly forgotten, mugs fell and shattered on the floor, as Ninty rounded on the stammering dwarf and demanded the names of the couple. She left Cartevan within the hour. 4 years later and Ninty is still chasing her Parents across the wounded lands of Auguria with only snippets and rumours to guide her. It’s not much but she takes comfort in knowing that they’re still out there, but until she finds them she has to make her own way in the world and that means taking on any jobs that come her way. Other : Birds despise her. [/hider]