Oz leaned into the attacks, his personal shield shimmering as each bullet hit. Regardless each bullet staggered him, pushing him slightly back. He had no opportunity to drive the attack against Mikey but he was going to help regardless. Still bracing with one arm he extended the other toward Jeff and twisted it through the air. A glowing circle of spinning glyphs appeared in front of him. Oz's acceleration gate. [color=violet]"Throw an attack through it Jeff, give it volume so he can't dodge."[/color] He turned his attention back to Jenso. [color=violet]"Jenso, keep him on the defensive."[/color] Mikey was able to snuff out voluminous attacks with his bubble. Oz had seen it being used as a test dummy before so it certainly had its place in his arsenal but what else was Mikey going to pull out.