Roxy turned to see how Jess' mom reacted to the apartment. She glared when she saw the older woman's reaction to her place. Honestly she didn't know what the woman was reacting to nor did she care. She didn't like being judged. Neither Jess or her mom knew anything about her. They had no idea what she had survived or why she had the knives. She stormed over to her knives. She picked one up and rubbed her thumb along the edge as if checking the knife's sharpness. She probably looked like a psychopath but she didn't care. They could think anything they wanted to Roxy thought stubbornly. She had survived a hell most couldn't imagine let alone live through whole. She would not let anyone control her again. Not in anyway. If Jess' mom didn't like her that was the older woman's problem. She was who she was and she was changing for no one.