[@Dusksong] sorry for the wait! [hider=Eilidh] Eilidh: Melo made a good point, you can buff your "illusionist" ability :D Illusionist (4) : In stories The Morrígan is said to have shapeshifted into a seductive maiden to entice the hero, and this power comes to Eilidh as the ability to appear as a beautiful maiden or old crone. This ability can last up to an hour, though it won't hold up to intense scrutiny or if the people around her are in danger and are hostile towards her. Shapeshifter: specify wolf, I think After that, accepted!![/hider] [hider=Kenzie]Make way for Father (5) : Kenzie calls on Aether to summon a piece of Erebus on earth, shrouding the area around Kenzie in absolute darkness for a few hours. This fog of pure darkness shrouds sight of people in a fifteen foot radius around Kenzie for up to ten minutes. Only Kenzie will be unaffected by this fog. Uranus’ Blessing (13) : For up to thirty minutes, Kenzie can gain full control of the element of air. This ability can not be used to manipulate the air in someone's body or the air someone is breathing, be used to create a vacuum or grant the power of flight. After that, accepted! You can add him up to the CS Tab. [/hider]