Hmm, to give my opinion I honestly do not think the warning should have been given in the first place. For one, looking at the post we were marching for several hours into a forest on a mission to hunt a monster that may or may not kill us all. This shows me that we have left the relative safety of Orello and the fort and could get attacked at any time. This alone to me implies the sense that we could be ambushed, especially if alone since predators love to eat sheep separated from the flock first. It is why a military today usually will not only just post one person as a guard for an area, but rather post two in the same area or have that one person able to be seen by another and vice versa. But I have been in a lot of military RPs and know a bit about military stuff in general, though by no means an expert. My conclusions may be a bit biased as far as what others would be thinking. After all, it is hard to take into account someone else not knowing a thing you know.