Of all the bad things that were even remotely possible, Lee had not even thought of this one. Her surroundings slewed about into something totally different, and the entire symphony of background noises changed, everything changed. If he hadn't released her hand so quickly she would have yanked it away, but the woman was still completely disoriented. [i]What?![/i] To the side, she heard Axel cheering, and she briefly wondered why, but it was far more important to reorient herself. The slack astonishment and bewilderment on her face transitioned briefly to fear, but Lee was too disciplined to let that rule her for very long. Lee lowered her head and took a deep breath to steady herself, taking several long strides away.. She heard another person besides Axel, but even two on one, she should be okay. She was fast, she was certain, and she wasn't about to let a stranger take her...wherever the hell this was. Trivial concerns like how he'd done it were beside the point, but Lee was all too aware that she had no idea where they were, and consequently no idea how to get back. [i]Shouldn't have trusted some random kid, Lee,[/i] she scolded herself as she considered her options. She jammed her hand into her pocket and looped the lanyard of her keys around her hand, settling the keys themselves in her fist. She wouldn't pull it out unless she needed it, but best to be ready. "What did you do." Her words were closer to a statement than a question, and she cast about for any clue as to her location. A building of some kind, the sounds of a park or forest preserve, the smell of cut grass mixed with flowers and mulch from landscaping, the warmth of the sun on her skin....At least the last let her figure out which way was north, but that was very little help. "Where is this? What the /hell/ is going on?!"