[@Leotamer] [@Bushman501] [@Mercurial] [@Crimmy] All of you are reading far more into it than my posts were supposed to mean. It's not even a matter of poor wording on my side but rather of you jumping to conclusions. Let me explain it by parts, in the most neutral and educate way possible: - While it may be true that no warning was needed, given that players should be able to understand that their actions may have consequences and realize when or not their characters are in potential danger, experience as GMs told us that this isn't the case for everyone. A mature player should be able to take a simple friendly warning without getting offended. - We, especially I, don't like to kill, or cause any permanent damage to PCs whether it's rightful or uncalled for. I just don't see the fun in doing this as a GM. Plus, like I said above, a lot of players don't have the maturity to accept the loss. Therefore, avoiding it whenever possible is the best conduct from both GM and player's sides. - That said, we will not hesitate to penalize players that had been warned, some times more than once, both IC and OOC about the possible consequences of their actions. Otherwise, the story would lose any sense of tension. - Adding to the points above. Experience also told us that general warnings are good (I think all of you notice that we try to keep as many channels of communication open as possible), but directed ones are more effective. This is a simple management procedure. Blunt warnings capture a person's attention much easier, thus they are more efficient in getting the message through. Again, you need maturity to take them and not feel offended. - I may have misjudged your capacity to interpret my words but know that it was because actually, I had a high opinion of all of you as a group of players. This RP is the most enjoyable I'm GMing at the moment and the fact that the first big problem for it only came up now, shows that most of my trust wasn't misplaced. I still keep my opinion about all of you, by the way. One bump in the road shouldn't be enough to ruin the ride, even if it makes it less pleasant than it should be. - That said, I'll try to be more mindful of my phrasing, in the OOC, in the future. Since I may have misjudged the level of emotional development of some of you. I don't want to bring age and lifestyles on this thread, so please, don't mention it, I realize we are very much like a mixed bag and it's very good this way. - However, I hope that you don't take any future comments, warnings, etc., that are made in a milder language as patronizing or snide. If you do so, we will be in a Catch 22 situation where the GMs are always in the wrong. A discussion can't be maintained under such conditions. - Lastly, we will not tolerate uncalled for disrespect, especially when one of the sides doesn't even allow the other to justify/clarify their point before slamming the metaphorical door on their face. We will be very emphatic with this. We are treating you with the utmost respect and will demand the nothing less from you. - To conclude, [@Mercurial], I said this: [quote=@KoL] I'm sure that Leon (when/if he's around the group and feels like cooperating) can make some more to help with whatever Regina is thinking. [/quote] Because I don't control your characters action. The decision to help or not was supposed to be yours. I thought that it was a given, but sadly you've mistaken even something so basic. I should add as well that it was a consideration made because he did show a growing dislike for authority in the IC (for uncalled for reason that doesn't concern this discussion, should I say), so it was just situational remark. It wasn't ill intentioned, but then again, some things need a bit of maturity to take and don't get offended. You clearly demonstrated that you have neither maturity or know the basic principles of civility. I can't argument with or GM to a person that behaves like this. From now onward you are banned from this RP. Don't worry about your character, though. Like I said, I don't take a single bit of pleasure from killing PCs. I have my own characters that I can kill, main and rape while feeling guilty free. Leon will just be missing and nothing else. That this is the end of the discussion. Anything else, take it to the PMs.