[img] http://i.imgur.com/MMz3kht.png[/img] [b] “Oh, hey, ah...Cienna, yeah?”[/b] [b] “I'll come get’cha in a sec- just gotta get ready first. Hang on ‘til then.” [/b] Cienna would make a small accent after which she would hear the line going dead as presumably as Stride went to get ready, she informed the nurse that a friend was coming to collect her and she floated to a chair sitting down her head hanging. She sat there for a while listening to the breeze as it continued to stir around her and wondering what she should do, it was a day off today so she didn’t have to go to work though she thought it might be nice to find a book to read to Julie, even if she’s sleeping, she can still hear right. It wasn’t that long when she heard that familiar gruff voice of Stride saying, [b] “Alright,”[/b] [b] “Where we headin’?”[/b] She looked towards the voice and forced a smile “Do you want to get some food?” she asked her tone would still sound soft and sad but which put it at odds with the forced smile she was trying to put on. “I’m hungry, and know of a good place near where I work, my treat” she said as an after thought, it was a way to get to somewhere she knew along with a way to repay Stride for helping her. The restaurant she was refering to wasn’t your average run of the mill deal, it would pass for a five star joint any day offering the best of choices, and best of all they catered to blind people as well which had always drawn her there. She absolutely adored to food that they sold there even if others might find it expensive she had always thought that the food was worth it. “It’s called the Crescent Moon” she said softly, it was a popular restaurant and she hoped that Stride, if not having been there had at least heard of it. [img]http://i.imgur.com/rTqnGle.png[/img] The demon may live here but Zephyr had a job to do and would not be stopped, he moved towards the elevator trusting his instincts to guide him to the source. Pressing the button to call the elevator he thought of the possible reasons for an attack of this level and who the possible mage was that stopped it. He had known a few strong enough to cancel a spell of the level that made this situation in the first place but they were long dead and gone. ‘interesting’ he thought to himself as the elevator climbed the sense of magic getting stronger the higher he went, though the dark magic was already breaking up beyond his senses though the light magic seemed to still permeate everything. He reached the floor where it was strongest. He would take note of the door, before knocking. Unsurprising to him no one was home so he decided to return at a later date. He would ride the elevator down the stairs walking out into the rain once more looking up into the sky with a sigh “why do you test me with these trivialities” he said his voice devoid of emotions though sounding slightly strained. He would begin the trek back to the temple of the cross and report his findings. The journey was uneventful, but that isn’t saying much considering most people would leave someone that looked like him alone normally. After arriving he sought out his handler and reported his discoveries before turning in for the night. The morning came all too quickly for him, his dreams tormented by memories of the past and thoughts of the future he too would face alone. A sigh escapes his lips, [i]“if not for that fucking bastard Lucifer!”[/i] his tone displeased, yet sounding as if he had said this tone a million and one times. [@EchoicChamber]