[center][h1][color=E97E99]Millicent Clarke[/color][/h1] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/SPSJuKZtKMQlq/giphy.gif[/img] [color=E97E99][i]Location: Port of Tortuga[/I][/color][/center] [hr][hr] It happened quite quickly. Soon they were crashing into the slave captain's men. Millicent could probably take them, but she didn't want to draw any more unnecessary attention to herself. Well, more than she already had. Plus, she had the doctor to worry about too. As crafty as he was, she didn't know if he could handle himself well in a fight. Whatever the case may be, they were all at a standstill. Millicent looked behind her to the lady Captain with Miss Blackwood and her minder. Jean was her name apparently and the woman didn't look like much, but she still gave Millicent that cold feeling. Soon the shots rang out. She felt Jon's grip on her. It was both comforting and annoying and she didn't know how to feel about it. She checked herself out, seeing no wounds. She checked the doctor. Also nothing on him. She looked back to see the dead The slave captain was killed along with the slaves Jon tried to save. She shook her head. Poor fools. They didn't deserve that, but it couldn't be helped. Jon walked over to check and make sure, but even she could tell they didn't survive. Soon the doctor was next to her and taking her away. She nodded in agreement and pushed her way through the men. They had no leadership anymore. The lady Captain's words were still in her mind though. She seemed tough and crafty. Millicent had to respect that. She would need to keep her in mind for later.