[hr][hr] [center][color=D9E0F9][h1]Tiffany Lyle[/h1][/color] [img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ly3gww1x901qa0o0mo1_500.gif[/img] [i]Building B(1) (Franklin Wall Beni & Peaches' Apartment) -> Building C (Franklin Wall Women's Housing) -> Towards Gate [/I][/center] [hr][hr] They left Beni's place and made their way to the Franklin women's home. That was the last place, if she did her math correctly. Should be easy and then they could meet with the others to see James off. Ray's words rang true. Surely they wouldn't send James without much help. For whatever reason he had, James was a good person. Richard was an ass and she wouldn't miss him all that much, but she would miss James. Once Ray and her got to the house she informed the Franklin women of what happened, offered words of encouragement, and left them to their grief (or lack thereof depending). She kissed Ray back and nodded her agreement, [color=D9E0F9]"Yeah, I would like to see him off. If for nothing else than to let him know he has people wishing him the best. That helps. It's not food or water or a gun, but knowing you have people that want the best for you, even if you can't see them, helps."[/color] She held Ray's arm as they walked towards the gate to see James off. She hoped they wouldn't be late.