"Indeed, the first challenge will be finding him at all." Meesei responded. "If worst comes to worst, we can always steal it. Perhaps leave some coins in its place, if we wish to be kind about it. Of course, no matter how we do it, we will have to get the axe no matter how uncooperative he may or may not be. Everything depends on it." Kaleeth slowly nodded. "I know what you mean. It is hard to imagine her with anyone, really. She just never seemed like she wanted to, and for people not in our pack, she is sort of...hard to approach. I guess someone who knows her, like someone on the council, might have been possible. Really, I would have expected her mate to be another lycan, or at least someone not so...bossy." She commented. The pack was closing in on the city's eastern gate. Tall walls surrounded the city on three sides, with the fourth being the docks. Though the walls themselves were old, there were many new fortifications on them. Looking closely, the pack could see heavily armored soldiers patrolling atop the walls, with even more around the gate they were approaching. They could even see large weapons like catapults and ballista on some parts of the walls. It was a far stronger and more obvious military presence than was present in many of the cities they visited, which was no doubt intentional. While the Dominion and Empire were technically at peace, Hammerfell was independent, and still resisting the Dominion. While most cities had a military to defend them, those in Hammerfell had them on display to show their strength and discourage attacks. Before they approached the gate itself, Ahnasha went with Leaps to the stable to ensure that he would be taken care of while they were in the city.