Before Stride could even speak, her stomach had replied for her- its snarling somehow managing to be even louder than her car’s radio. The hybrid shrugged, waiting until Cienna had gotten in before pulling out of the driveway. [color=#BC6101]“Got your answer there, I s’pose.”[/color] It [i]had[/i] been awhile since she had gone out to any proper restaurant, so she supposed there wouldn’t be too much of a problem in grabbing breakfast now and saving the bites for later. However, upon Cienna’s mention of where she intended for them to eat, Stride couldn’t help but balk. [color=#BC6101]“Ya, ah, do know that place ain’t the cheapest ‘round here, yeah?”[/color] She glanced over at the Cienna, tapping the steering wheel with her palm. [color=#BC6101]“If ya wanna pay for somethin’, don’t make it the fancy-ass joint. Wouldn’t mind eatin’ at McDonalds or some shit like that.”[/color] [@Daemanis]