So, this was the fate of the new Avatar... He just found out he was the Avatar a few weeks ago, and is now being convicted of being a criminal trying to do a heroic duty. Well, at least he fed some kids for a good cause. He thought that it would be the end of him with the last slash of water at a graveled hand, but he soon felt the release of the hand grabbing his foot. Freedom! Mallo managed to bend down and spin in a fluid motion, dodging a rocky hand, and immediately shooting up to send a rush of water back at them... But he was stopped by a familiar voice, and the view of a man wearing clothing similar to his. Rikuo from the Water Tribe! Mallo would have been smiling and greeting the guy... if it weren't for the suggestion that he would do labor to pay off his debt. [color=blue]"Or we could all just walk away..."[/color] Mallo called out, his stance still up. Another voice emerged from the forming crowd, a softer, kinder voice that he didn't recognize, and quite honestly didn't know what in the world she was wearing. Mallo wasn't going to let this mystery woman pay for his mistake, even if she had the money. yeah, he was in trouble, and yeah, he technically broke a law in Ba Sing Se... But it was for the kids! He could feel the tension rise, the crowd was rather large now, and it occurred to Mallo that he now had an audience after he yelled he was the Avatar... Which wasn't smart. He was being hunted by the Fire Nation, and the Order. They could be within the dozens of faces. Black cloaks, hooded figures, they could all have some agenda to get him, rumor or not. Before he could really say or do anything, a giant wall erupted in between the water benders and the earth benders, and suddenly, Mallo was airborne. The young water bender screamed in surprise, feeling that the Order had made an ambush to kill him! He felt a hand grab him, and put him on a roof, and Mallo fell on his back. He staggered to get up to see... a guy. Just a plain looking earth bender. The guy spoke rather casually about a topic that shouldn't have been. Did this guy actually believe him? Mallo stood and brushed himself off, taking a look at the man who rescued him. [color=blue]"I was... Until I tried to pull a charity."[/color] Mallo muttered, but then gave a nod. [color=blue]"Thanks, for uh... the advice. And the exit. I'm Mallo."[/color] Mallo looked down at the commotion, earth kingdom soldiers running around, the Rikuo running off with the girl, and the crowd going in a bit of a little frenzy. [color=blue]"And as much as I should take that advice... I can't just leave things like this."[/color] Mallo sighed. He would have felt beyond lucky to get a perfect escape from the guards if he were just normal Mallo. But now as the Avatar, he was supposed to be the bringer of peace. So far he has attacked fire nation soldiers, stole, and attacked earth kingdom guards. This was the exact opposite of what his new duties entitled. As he prepared to do something stupid, he heard a new voice come from behind him and the earth bender. "Good afternoon, gentlemen!" The voice was strong, yet easing, like water. Mallo turned to see who had joined them. It was an older gentleman, with graying black hair, and a matching beard that was neatly trimmed. His hair was in a warrior styled ponytail, and he adorned black and blue robes with two symbols upon them: The Order, and the northern water tribe. "You wouldn't happen to know where the young water bender who stole food went? Rambling on about doing the Avatar's duty?" Mallo was obviously cautious with the man. He was much older than he, and yet he got up on the roof without a sound, and with no assistance... But it was also obvious that he was a dangerous man; the Order robes gave that away. "It was kind of you to give food to the homeless, but you might want to use money, Avatar or not." The man gave a smile, but his dark blue eyes eyed Mallo intensely. "I'm curious, are you just a foolish boy that claimed to be what you are not in hopes of getting out of trouble... Or are you actually the one? I guess there's only one way to find out." And with that, the man moved faster than Mallo had ever seen. It reminded him so much of Master Lao, but he pushed that thought aside as he bent backwards to avoid a wave of frozen water going for his arms. The young water bender grabbed the earth bender's leg as he kicked off and slid both of them off the roof, falling onto the awning of a store clerk, ripping through it, and landing into a cart of vegetables. "MY CABBAGES!" Mallo's head popped out, and looked around before jumping out, and looking up to see the older man looking down upon him, jumping down, and throwing another blade of water towards Mallo. This time, Mallo was ready. He managed to catch the high intensity jet of water, pushing Mallo back a bit. He twisted, and turned, and with a push of his hands, sent the current back to it's sender. Mallo wasn't in the best spot for this. It was too crowded, and too close to his last illegal activity! The last thing he needed was to get the earth benders in on this. Now it was time to run! It was clear that this mysterious man was extremely powerful, and creepy. It brought back memories of his last run in with the Order years ago... The words of Master Loa echoed through his ears again, and as much as he hated to do so, he listened: [i]Run![/i] Mallo rushed through the streets once more, ducking through a stall, and jumping over a fence. He didn't know if the man could follow him at this speed, but better safe than sorry. He ducked into an alleyway, panting a bit as he did his best to stay quiet. After a minute or two, he saw the black cloaks of the Order very swiftly walking through the crowd. They were on the hunt. Mallo waited until the cloaks were out of sight until he emerged again, and walking very swiftly through the streets. He grabbed a rug being hung out to dry, and wrapped it around his shoulders, trying to hide his water tribe outfit. He looked behind him once more, paranoid out of his mind. He had failed in so many ways today. He didn't know if Rikuo was safe with that one girl, he didn't know where the old creepy man was, and the marketplace was still a little unnerved. As he looked behind him, he couldn't see what was in front of him. He ran into a lighter frame, which caused him to stumble and fall backwards. [color=blue]"Oh, uh, sorry! I wasn't really--"[/color] Mallo looked up to see something he thought he never would. It was a cute looking girl, but her clothes and tattoos made Mallo's eyes widen. [color=blue]"Are you an air nomad?"[/color] He asked, amazed at the sight. Of course, he was being hunted right now, But ever since he was a kid he always wanted to see the airbenders of the world. He remembered seeing Sky Bison flying through the air while sailing across the sea. The thought of moving air and flying fascinated him. He guessed that was one of his past lives speaking through him... Maybe Ii herself. Mallo looked around once again before giving a weak smile. [color=blue]"Sorry, I, er, just always wanted to meet one! Except I was expecting some bald old dude-- Not that I'm complaining!"[/color] Great first impression, Mallo! Meet your first air bender and insult her immediately... "Hey! You!" A voice called, which made Mallo tense up. With the collision that had happened, and the excitement Mallo dropped the rug hiding his water nation clothes. He saw an earth kingdom guard from before pushing through the crowd towards Mallo, and a sick feeling in his stomach formed when he saw the older water bender following right after him.