[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/YqcKg45.jpg[/img] [color=dadada][sub][color=BABABA]D U K E K N I G H T IV[/color] [color=BABABA]✚[/color] 22 [color=BABABA]✚[/color] Male [color=BABABA]✚[/color] 6'8 [color=BABABA]✚[/color] Warfare[/sub][/color][/center] [color=BABABA][sub]P R E S E N C E[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=dadada]Duke is a young man, of mixed descent, with powerful features; seemingly, having been sculpted by the gods themselves. He has tawny (yellow-brown) skin, is muscular and extremely tall. He has dirty blonde curles and sports a standard militaristic haircut; the high fade. His chiseled jawline is sharp enough to slice through diamond. Perpetually shuttered, dead, light-green hues analyze and scan the world with laser focus. His piercing gaze would feel as though Duke is looking beyond ones physical form and stares directly at the soul. Full, thick lips hide not only a set of perfect teeth, but project a voice of power. He also has a [url=https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/35/Badge-knight-of-holysepulchre.gif]tattoo[/url] on his right hand, symbolic of his family name. Duke's style can be defined as [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/a4/ae/3b/a4ae3b5c02a338aab5aebdde1fde3920.jpg]"athleisure"[/url]- casual, comfortable clothing designed to be suitable both for exercise and everyday wear. There a few constants in his style: 1)Pants will always be in the form of joggers. 2)Shorts will always be netted gym shorts or sweatpants shorts. 3)Shoes will always be running shoes or resemble basketball shoes. There is also a hint of minimalism. You will only find black or white clothing in Duke's closet. He is tastefully simple. Duke exudes an aura of confidence. He stands with proper posture and his head is always held high. When he walks, Duke's arms are almost always relaxed at his sides. They move as he moves, directly in front of him. His hands are also relaxed rather than tight-fisted. His head is parallel to the ground. His eyes look straight forward, too. His feet are at shoulder width. Most of all, his shoulders move, almost in a rolling figure-8 motion; like a puma stalking it's prey. Duke maintains a low and steady tone of voice, when speaking. He speaks at a slow and relaxed paced, without tension. He speaks just loud enough for others to hear, never too loud or too soft. Filler words are non-existent in Duke's speech. Should he need a moment to think of what to say next, he will simply pause and hold that silence until he is ready to speak again. [/color][/indent] [color=BABABA][sub]I D E O L O G Y[/sub][/color][hr] [hider=Values][b]L O Y A L T Y[/b] [list][*]Bear true faith and allegiance in the organization. [*]Work within the system without manipulating it for personal gain. [*]Observe higher headquarters priorities. [/list][hr] [b]D U T Y[/b] [list][*]Fulfill obligations-professional, legal, and moral. [*]Carry out mission requirements. [*]Meet professional standards. [*]Set the example. [*]Comply with policies and directives. [*]Continually pursue excellence.[/list][hr] [b]R E S P E C T[/b] [list][*]Treat people as they should be treated. [*]Create a climate of fairness and equal opportunity. [*]Be discreet and tactful when correcting or questioning others. [*]Show concern for and make an effort to check on the safety and well-being of others. [*]Be courteous. [*]Don't take advantage of positions of authority.[/list][hr] [b]S E L F L E S S S E R V I C E[/b] [list][*]Sustain team morale. [*]Share hardships. [*]Give credit for success to others and accept responsibility for failure themselves.[/list][hr] [b]H O N O R[/b] [list][*]Don't lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those actions by others.[/list][hr] [b]I N T E G R I T Y[/b] [list][*]Do what is right legally and morally. [*]Possess high personal moral standards. [*]Be honest in word and deed. [*]Show consistently good moral judgment and behavior. [*]Put being right ahead of being popular.[/list][hr] [b]P E R S O N A L C O U R A G E[/b] [list][*]Show physical and moral bravery. [*]Take responsibility for decisions and actions. [*]Accept responsibility for mistakes and shortcomings.[/list][hr] [b]N E V E R G I V E U P[/b] [list][*]Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do.[/list][hr] [b]B E I N G T H E B E S T[/b] [list][*]Hard work beats talent. [*]Solve real-time challenges. [*]Create competitive advantages. [*]Join with fellow guardians to create and identify competitive advantages. [*]Go above and beyond expectations.[/list][hr] [b]C H I V A L R Y[/b] [list][*]Come to the aid of those in need, in order of those least able to defend themselves and least responsible for their situation before others. [*]Treat a lady with respect. [*]Be Honourable. Follow proper procedures in all things. If challenged, either accept, or concede that the challenger is better in martial matters. There is no loss of honour in understanding that someone is more skilled, there is always someone more skilled, but one should openly acknowledge their skill, to give them just credit. [*]Do not challenge someone who is obviously lower skilled without just cause. To do so is dishonourable and makes one look petty.[/list][hr] [b]D O N O T K I L L N E E D L E S S L Y[/b] [list][*]Killing an evil monster is ok, killing a neutral animal that is just hungry is only needed if there is a high likelihood that others will die if one does not.[/list][hr] [b]P H Y S I C A L F I T N E S S[/b] [list][*]Having sound health, strength, and endurance, which sustain emotional health and conceptual abilities under prolonged stress.[/list][hr] [b]C O N F I D E N C E[/b] [list][*]Projecting self-confidence and certainty in the ability to succeed. [*]Demonstrates composure and outward calm through steady control over emotion.[/list] [/hider] [hider=Core Competencies] [b]L E A D S O T H E R S[/b] [list][*]Provides purpose, motivation, inspiration [*]Enforces Standards [*]Balances mission and welfare of guardians [/list][hr] [b]E X T E N D S I N F L U E N C E[/b] [list][*]Builds trust. [*]Understands sphere, means and limits of influence. [*]Negotiates, builds consensus, resolves conflict.[/list][hr] [b]L E A D S B Y E X A M P L E[/b] [list][*]Displays character. [*]Leads with confidence in adverse conditions. [*]Demonstrates confidence.[/list][hr] [b]C O M M U N I C A T E S[/b] [list][*]Listens actively. [*]states goals for action. [*]Ensures shared understanding.[/list][hr] [b]C R E A T E S A P O S I T I V E E N V I R O N M E N T[/b] [list][*]Set the conditions for positive climate. [*]Helps build teamwork and cohesion. [*]Encourages initiative. [*]Demonstrates care for people.[/list][hr] [b]P R E P A R E S S E L F[/b] [list][*]Ensures he is prepared for expected and unexpected challenges. [*]Expands knowledge. [*]Maintains self awareness.[/list][hr] [b]G E T S R E S U L T S[/b] [list][*]Develops and execute plans. [*]Accomplishes tasks consistently.[/list][/hider] [hider=The Warriors Ethos] [center][i][b]"I will always place the mission first. I will never accept defeat. I will never quit. I will never leave a fallen comrade."[/b][/i][/center][/hider] [hider= Views] [b]J E N O V A[/b] The world has been spiraling further into a place of darkness, since the arrival of the extraterrestrial body. Duke believes that the issues the world is plagued with, concerning Jenova, are mostly self-inflicted. Now the only cure for the world is the destruction of Jenova. Sadly, others may still believe they just need to better understand Jenova; to create a remedy. These are the idiots in Duke's eyes. Why would anybody be comfortable with allowing something to exist that has been killing us? For the sake of science?[hr] [b]S P I R I T S[/b] [/hider] [color=BABABA][sub]S T R I F E[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=dadada][center][h2][i]"Time to Duke it out!"[/i][/h2] [img]http://i.imgur.com/T5Ig9uk.jpg[/img][/center] Duke is a practitioner (1 of just 3 known) of the Fist of The Iron Knight. The Fist of The Iron Knight is a hybrid martial art, exclusive to the Knight family, created by Duke's grandfather (Duke Knight II). It is said that the best defense stems from strong offense. This style is designed to eliminate threats quickly and efficiently. Maximized force seeks to end the battle quickly due to the amount of damage inflicted upon the opponent and rapidity aims to reach the target before the opponent can react. One of the premises that was incorporated into this style was combat realism. The belief is that martial arts techniques should be incorporated based upon their effectiveness in real combat situations. This would differentiate the style from other systems where there was an emphasis on flashy techniques. Flashy techniques arguably "look good", but would often prove ineffective in street survival and self-defense situations. An aspect of realistic martial arts training fundamental to FTIK is "aliveness". This is the concept of training techniques with an unwilling assistant who offers resistance. Circumstances in a fight change from millisecond to millisecond. Thus, pre-arranged patterns and techniques are not adequate in dealing with such a changing situation. For someone to attack another hand-to-hand, the attacker must approach the target. This provides an opportunity for the attacked person to "intercept" the attacking movement. The principle of interception may be applied to more than intercepting physical attacks; non-verbal cues may also be perceived or "intercepted", and thus be used to one's advantage. This perspective of combat realism and aliveness, combined with his deep-seated desire to be the best, is reason Duke is constantly searching for the strongest opponents; effectively allowing him to train going "all out". He smiles in the face of adversity because nothing brings greater joy than a good challenge. Duke fights in a southpaw stance, meaning he is a left-handed person who leads with the right. He has learned many defensive concepts such as forearm blocks. He considers himself to be a "reactive fighter". He will often wait for his opponent to make a move and react accordingly; intercepting an opponent's attack with an attack of his own instead of simply blocking it (often blocking a punch/kick with one of his own). He utilizes a nimble and agile, skipping-like- footwork technique to easily maneuver around and evade enemy strikes. Simultaneous parrying & punching combines attack and defense into one movement, thus minimizing the "time" element and maximizing the "energy" element. Being that he is a frontline fighter, Duke focuses on absorbing spirits which enhance his physical abilities. He does sacrifice some tankability for strength and speed- so that he may defeat opponents quickly and efficiently. This makes him a lot faster than what some may percieve him to be, because of his rather large build. As far as weapons go, he is a weapon. Thus, he will refuse use of weapons because he views them as "unmanly". Though, he does use gauntlets crafted from rare metals that are extremely durable and lightweight. Which were designed to further enhance the speed and explosiveness of his punches. Duke is also capable of infusing spirits with his gauntlets, to add an elemental effect. Which he uses to gain an advantage (IE. Flame fists against an opponent using ice). Though, the magical damage is actually minor, when compared to the damage from the physical impact. On the battlefield, there is only one person which Duke concerns himself with, and that is the strongest one. He firmly believes that cutting off the head of the snake is the quickest way to secure victory. He will eliminate weaker enemies as quick as possible, while conserving energy, until he can identify and engage the strongest opponent. Duke, in many ways, could be thought of as the superhero-type, saving the world with a smile and his fists. He comes complete with catch phrases and action poses. "It's time to Duke it out!" is one of his more famous, if not most famous, catch phrases. It's an obvious play on his name, but also means it's time to handle business and get to fighting. After defeating an opponent, he will shoot his teammates a thumbs up and cross his arms, saying something like "It's over"or "Target annihilated". He also cannot resist an opportunity to take an unflinching pose in front of an explosion. Duke's confidence in his, and his teammates, ability to get the job done can be a source of inspiration for comrades on the battlefield. [/color][/indent] [color=BABABA][sub]K I N S H I P[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=dadada]. . . . W I P . . . [/color][/indent] [color=BABABA][sub]C O N T A C T S[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=dadada]. . . W I P . . . [/color][/indent] [color=BABABA][sub]C H R O N I C L E[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=dadada]. . . W I P . . .[/color][/indent] [color=BABABA][sub]P R O P E R T Y[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=dadada] [list][*](x3) Wild Tomato [*](x3) Gighee Ham [*](x2) Aegir Root [*](x5) Oleander [*](x3) Catoblepas Brisket [*](x3) Leiden Potato [*](x3) Scarlet Pimpernel [*](x2) Potion [/list] [/color][/indent]