[@Necroes] Let me make it clear that I [b]do not[/b] dislike you, not as a person or an RPer, in fact - as I would suggest that I have been - I like to give everyone a chance or chances before going this far with anything. Now, I also agree with you about GW and their fluff; they retcon and roll back and change things ALL the time, there are some bits of fluff that are so far back that they're simply not used any more, and I've no problem with 'pushing the limits' as it were. Not as a player or GM. What you appeared to be doing was pushing the limits of 'factual' pieces of lore, not just bits and bobs that you could easily say have been changed over the decades. Orks being corrupted by Chaos, no matter where you look, has never really been a [i]thing[/i], Greenskins functioning well without their gestalt field likewise has been somewhat enshrined as a no-go, being able to use an Eldar ship would - even if you pushed the fluff a little - be pretty much impossible for anyone but another Eldar; that isn't just unique to 40k either, it's got precident in reality and other sci-fi settings as well. That, and the seemingly way above power level of the character, are my only problems with you. Your RPing is sound, and you've certainly got a lot of imagination. What would I personally do now? I could leave the RP entirely, I could accept my character being killed off and come back as A) A completely different type (non-psychic) character or B) As a psyker with suitabley lowered levels of power - with the added caveat that, should I then start 'playing up' again, I would leave without rancour. I could find another RP that's more accepting in my own eyes, or I could show those within the current one that I'm perfectly capable of proving them wrong about me. Those are what would go through my mind. I'll say this again, just to re-iterate, that I do not mind whether you remain or leave as I having nothing against your RPing or you as a person (I don't even know you as a person); if you stay though, then I would strongly advise a non-psyker character, because Urgrugg is going to die. [@Wraithblade6][@BCTheEntity][@Sophrus][@Klomster] If anyone wishes to say anything else about anyone else, please PM me; if anyone wishes to make a reply (let's keep it civil!), then post it here.