Not knowing what was going on and not willing to start a meaningless fight both Cosmos Rangers demorphed and surrendered as ordered by the unknown Power Rangers. They tried to keep Zane's equipment hidden when their Morphers and Globes got confiscated in case they needed it, but that plan failed. [hr] Mike was waiting in what appeared an interrogation room for someone to come tell what was going on and of course ask questions. He wasn't too happy about things but being separated from T.J did make sense. This way their captors wouldn't have to worry about the two of them working together to overpower anyone and it would be harder form them to corroborate on any falsehood the other told. [hr] While T.J never had the official security training his partner received he was smart enough to reach mostly reach the same conclusions. He noticed that the building they were in didn't look like a stereotypical evil HQ, which from his experience meant that it was unlikely their captors were the villains of the dimension they were stranded in.