When Celes followed Spruce down the trap door and Spruce got attacked, she growl a bit at this, looking at the eyes. "Why you little... " she said before quickly moving forwards. When she saw what attacked, she gave a menacing smile. "A dragon and a dark type... oh god you will wish to NOT have done that at all..." she says before then going and using moonblast on the Hydreigon. Knowing his typing... either he would end up seriously hurt... knocked out... or flying away with his tail under his legs. One thing for sure, he probably will NOT like what will happen here. That... and with what she heard some fairy type did to Hydreigon's and their evolution line, it would be enough for some of them to have nightmares about fairies, like how it would be for dragons and flying type against ice types sometimes. She just hoped that this one won't be in the way for too long. [hr] Eralion looked at the high jump kick that was coming his way.. god that was going to hurt... but he knew full well that was going to happen here... "Wrong move... bastard..." he said before getting hit hard as he was knocked back a bit. It was then that counter activated. With that, Eralion quickly moved and with a very powerful punch with the energy of counter, blasted the medicham right into a wall, dealing serious damage to the pokemon, even knocking him out in one hit. Eralion just stood there, breathing deeply as he regains some energy. "God that hurt... geez... Lucky I trained my defense as much as I could..." he then said, shaking his hand a bit. "Good old teacher's teaching... finally paid off here." he says as he relax. "Didn't expect counter I am guessing." he adds as he look at the medicham... who left a clear impression of his body into the wall. That... must have hurt like heck for him.