[img]http://i.imgur.com/MMz3kht.png [/img] [b] “Got your answer there, I s’pose.” “Ya, ah, do know that place ain’t the cheapest ‘round here, yeah?” ya wanna pay for somethin’, don’t make it the fancy-ass joint. Wouldn’t mind eatin’ at McDonalds or some shit like that.”[/b] Cienna would sit and listen as stride spoke thinking carefully over what she said before she would respond she would turn to face Stride so as to not be rude. Her eyes though sad had a small light in them. “Please Stride.” She would say “I go there because it’s a location I am familiar with and how to get home from there.” She would add the last part a little softer as if she were depressed by her dependency on familiarity. “And it’s really good, if you’re worried about the cost, please don’t.” she would sound adamant on this point. “I eat there every day that I work and the food is really good.” She would say with a small nod. “And you’re helping me out, so please let me at least do this much for you…” this part would almost sound pleading. A small concession is all she wanted if she were within her familiar zone she wouldn’t have even had to call for help and this was the first time that she had, had to call on anyone else for help in a very long time. Occasionally the girls she worked with would want to take her out somewhere and they would guide her, but they always brought her back to the library even if it were after midnight, the wind today was bad though and her ability to use the wind to navigate was affected badly. Days like this she wanted to curl up and lay in bed, but she wouldn’t not today. She would have breakfast, head to the library and then head back to the hospital. She would get there even if she had to get a taxi. She hated this being apart from Julie but what else could she do. [@EchoicChamber]