[color=ed1c24][u][b]James Gregor Castner[/b][/u][/color]- [color=00aeef]Far Harbor[/color] It seemed that they had an agreement. The other James also seemed to not agree with the Enclave’s true goal. Maybe he wasn’t so bad after all... “I would be lying if I said they didn’t somewhat remind me of the enclave.” James replied as he shook the other James hand “but truthfully I have no-else to go but even if I did... The atom cultist fruitcakes. Not sure if you saw what happened at the wall but You must have seen how the regular Atoms whackos have spread up and down the coast, if they get a hold of whatever mind controlling machine or bloody cult powers the ones of the island have then we are all fucked.” James nodded, even though he was somewhat confused. What mind bending powers? “Brotherhood scouting reports indicated that the Children of Atom spread to various corners of the Commonwealth, and that some were highly dangerous. If what you say about the Children getting ahold of some dangerous power here is true, then not just Far Harbor is at risk here. Though what exactly happened at the wall?” Then Longfellow slammed the door on his way out of the Last Plank. The other James spoke up “hey what’s going on in there? is this do with what you found on the dock?" He simply nodded and looked at Longfellow, waiting for an explanation.