Just copied it from an RP, with some moderation, and some depower (nerf) [hider=Azael] [color=fff79a]Name:[/color] Azael [color=fff79a]Title:[/color] Angel of the Gods [color=fff79a]Age:[/color] ??? (Estimated to be millions) [color=fff79a]Gender:[/color] Male [color=fff79a]Species:[/color] Seraph [color=fff79a]Powers:[/color] [color=fff200]-Immortality:[/color] Azael, as a seraph, a subspecies of angel, cannot die from natural cause, nor does he need to eat, drink, sleep nor urinate to sustain himself [color=fff200]-Nigh Physical Invincibility:[/color] As an angel created directly from God himself, Azael is immune to every physical damage dealt to him. While it can cause visible injuries on himself and can cause physical pain, it cannot kill him, even if the fatality of the wound can cause a mortal human to die, as it would be able to regenerate right on spot [color=fff200]-Enhanced strength:[/color] Being a seraph, comparing to mortal beings, Azael possesses superior physical strength. However, it is not comparable to demon's, since he can be overpowered by strong demons. [color=fff200]-Holy white light:[/color] Azael can emit burning light that can knock away one's physical body or damage a creature's mental soul [color=fff200]-Teleportation:[/color] Pretty self-explanatory [color=fff200]-Astral projection:[/color] Used only to demonstrate his nature as a seraph, due to the terrifying nature of his true angel form, he can project a shadow of his own wings from his back. [color=fff79a]Weaknesses:[/color] [color=ed1c24]-Magic:[/color] While he is immune to all physical damage, Azael is, although not vulnerable, hazardous to magical spells. He can be hurt or cursed by demonic spells. [color=ed1c24]-Holy weaponry:[/color] He cannot be killed with Earth-based weapons or natural cause, but he can be killed or banished by holy weaponries. [color=ed1c24]-Corruptible:[/color] Totally against the visage of angels, Azael can be corrupted and is susceptible to mental attacks, though his opponents would have to breakthrough his will first. [color=fff79a]Appearance:[/color] [center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/7cd35208-75fa-4782-a1e5-8515f72c6a57.jpg[/img] Azael's human form with wings[/center] As a seraph, a normal human experiencing his true angel form will result in extreme circumstances, such as temporary blindness, so Azael whenever he goes out to meet with mortal beings, he adopts a human form to himself, a young teenage man with black hair and turquoise eyes, without the appearance of wings. But to several specific species, he can show his true wings without causing any unnecessary fatalities. [color=fff79a]Crush: [/color]None, though he can develop affections if someone is kind enough to him [color=fff79a]Relationship:[/color] --- [color=fff79a]Personality:[/color] Determined, yet impulsive and overly-serious, Azael is portraited as a very naive celestial being who has little to none experience with human behavior and mentality such as love or sarcasm, combining with his bluntness, a rarely seen trait among angels, can lead to some humorous or troublesome situation. Despite centuries living on Earth, he rarely interacted with human life, and therefore, his mannerism, his choice of words can be a little bit awkward and outdated, his own sense of humor is dry, and while he can occasionally make jokes, he is pretty much incapable of understanding other people's jokes, thus leading to some awkward responses from him. But still, he is still capable of developing affections, both negative and positive, to other beings, and can be kind if people treat him well. [color=fff79a]History:[/color] Not much is known about Azael's past, but as an angel, he has existed for millions of years. He was tasked with handling with the development of species during planet Earth's early existence, until he was dismissed and instead placed in charge of governing supernatural creatures, especially demons, that were inadvertently created as a result of his doings. As supernatural creatures in the past weren't very well-known and thought to be mythical and non-existence, their impact were minimal, his job was rather dull, and for a few moments, he slacked in his works. But it was until very recently that he discovered that the creatures that are the descendants of his own works millions of years ago were walking and interacting normally on Earth. Worried that this might cause disruption in the tranquility of the planet, he decided to take action, descending to Earth, to ensure nothing goes out of hand. [color=fff79a]Likes/Dislikes:[/color] [color=fff200]+Peace, harmony[/color] [color=fff200]+Natural flows of things[/color] [color=9e0b0f]-Those that intentionally cause harm to others[/color] [color=9e0b0f]-Chaos[/color] [/hider]