Approved via PM. [hider=Tadei Ganhava] [h2]TadeGa123 has signed on[/h2] [h3]"Oh hello Tadega, I'm so glad you came. Let's begin the interview. What's your real name? First and last please."[/h3] [color=fff200]"Hello. You look friendly. My name is Tadei, Tadei Ganhava."[/color] [h3]"Ah, I see, okay how old are you?"[/h3] [color=fff200]"I'm twenty four now. My birthday is just last month."[/color] [h3]"Hmm...This is more personal but what's your sexuality?"[/h3] [color=fff200]"Huh? Uhh...I've never thought about it, but I think I am heterosexual. There's nothing unusual about it, I guess."[/color] [h3]"Are you a man or woman?"[/h3] [color=fff200]"I'm a man, though people sometimes mistaken me otherwise, because of my childlike face. Hehe."[/color] [h3]"What do you look like? You can send a picture of describe yourself, though an image will help me more."[/h3] [hider=Tadei Ganhava] [img][/img] [/hider] [h3]"What's your occupation?"[/h3] [color=fff200]"I'm a musician...Well, mostly home musician now. Nowadays you just don't go out and play in the orchestra or in an event anymore. It's a sad thing really. But hopefully it will change in the near future."[/color] [h3]"How would you describe your personality?"[/h3] [color=fff200]"Me? If you insist, I would say that I am compassionate and positive. That's how people around me sees me. And I just accept it. I'm not very sociable, but I can talk with you as long as you want. You just need to say it, and I'll be there for you. But normally, I do not actively participate in conversation. No, rather do not actively create conversation, I'm still capable of maintaining conversation. I am also tolerant, patient and more of a listener, trying to avoid conflict as much as possible. Fighting is sorrowful and unnecessary I have to say. Raging and venting your angers on others are totally worthless. We should be patient." "I can also be artistic as well as creative occasionally due to my musical upbringing, but it's just occasional. Normally I'm just good at being at the sideline and assist others"[/color] [h3]"How tall are you? How much do you weigh?"[/h3] [color=fff200]"Let me check...175cm for height, and 55 kilograms for weight. I'm a little bit thin."[/color] [h3]"What's your favorite color?"[/h3] [color=fff200]"Gold. Why do you ask so?"[/color] [h3]"What type of person interests you romantically?"[/h3] [color=fff200]"Well, I've never considered romance before, so I've never given a thought about it. I guess she who will is willing to talk to me to ease my loneliness is my type of person. No need to be talkative, just when I need them. But why do you need that information?"[/color] [h3]"This question can be skipped, but it's most essential to my study so I'd prefer an honest answer. Know that you're in a safe place here with me, no one else will ever have to know. Do you have any physical/mental disabilities? Any traumas?"[/h3] [color=fff200]"...No...Actually yes, if you would call hearing difficulties is a disability. It was fine but after countless hours hearing music through my headphone, my hearing senses has deteriorated a little bit. Other than that, no."[/color] [h3]"What gaming genre do you prefer to play when feeding your addiction?"[/h3] [color=fff200]"I would not call that an addiction, although I do tend to play a lot. As I like music, I prefer to enjoy myself in rhythm games. And not just any rhythm games, the old and classic ones, for thrills and difficulties of trying to hit the right dot at the right time, at the right place. And the joy of perfecting the score sheet. It's breathtaking. Other than that, I do play some RPG games, but not so often."[/color] [h3]"Share some of your history with me."[/h3] [color=fff200]"There's nothing to say about my childhood. It's relatively normal like everybody else, aside from the fact that my parents are always away, contacting me only through the screen of my tablet. I was homeschooled from birth to graduation, almost never left my household. And I was always alone like that, I am an only child. Life was dull, from waking up, gluing my face to the computer screen to study, play games and listen to music, eat, sleep. The process repeated again and again." "During my childhood, I found myself falling in love with music, listening to them literally everyday, every hours and even play it myself, namely the guitar. When I began entering college, I attended a music academy, also homeschooled, which taught me how to play the violin and the flute as well. It was probably the most entertaining period of time in my life. But then after I graduate and go out to live my own life, that excitement and entertainment just didn't last long. I did try to play the violin or the flute at orchestras or weddings, but as people's lifestyle get increasingly sedentary, even those individual performances were prerecorded and then mixed up together using computers. So my current job is to basically record them at home and throw it online to the producer. And he sometimes messed up my recordings, which were classicals, completely, adding an unmixable electronic tone to it, resulting in an uncomprehensive, basically terrible, piece of music. And yet people still enjoy it. I just couldn't understand people now." "So my story pretty much concludes at that. As my life just kept going on like that, I began to play rhythm and some RPG games to find some excitement."[/color] [h3]"Your strengths?"[/h3] [color=fff200]"I don't really know, but people always say I have a warm mood-lifting aura whenever they are with me. I don't really know what miracles help me with that, but I can talk and listen to other people, bolstering their spirits, as well as consoling depressed one. I can also be creative at times, due to my musical upbringings" "In addition, I can play multiple instruments, including guitar, violin and flute. I prefer to play classical masterpieces, so it can be relaxing and entertaining for both music lovers and normal people."[/color] [h3]"Your fears and weaknesses?"[/h3] [color=fff200]"I usually fear the feeling of solitude, that's why I always engage in online conversations and forum, even for just a bit. Maybe a voice, a chat message, anything! Just talk to me. I can't stand the feeling of loneliness." "My weaknesses?...Pretty much everything else, I guess. I mean, aside from playing musical instruments and maybe talking with other people, my other stuffs are just not good. I'm physically weak, usually sustaining diseases and illnesses. I'm not so academic either, just enough to pass my homeschooled high school. It's not a great merit I know, but I can still live with it." "I'm also a bit of a perfectionist. Please pardon me because of my raising as an instrument player."[/color] [h3]"What role do you play in your games?"[/h3] [color=fff200]"Since rhythm games are solos, there is no role. For RPG game, I do tend to play as support, buffing and healing others."[/color] [h3]"What do you hope to gain by participating in my game?"[/h3] [color=fff200]"I'm not really sure. I just want to find something to entertain myself, also to communicate with other players, if there are any."[/color] [h3]"Is there anything I missed?"[/h3] [color=fff200]Yes. I just need some specific information about this game of yours."[/color] [/hider]