[@Necroes], i feel i should say this also. I do not dislike you as a person. I know we argued plenty, and yes i did get quite frustrated but it takes a little more than that to make me dislike a person. It was simply a matter of different RP philosophy. Personally i would be fine with giving you a chance with a different character who is not a psyker. However i understand where Wraith is coming from and believed much the same when i was particularly frustrated, though i held my tongue because i generally hoped you would understand our position and take our greavances to heart. In this case im hoping the same because your writing is solid and imaginative and i am confident that you could craft an interesting facet to the game without the metagaming and, for ease of everything, follow the fluff a little more. If you no longer wish to play with us, i totally understand and i wish for no hard feelings.