She listened to him as they made their way through the crowds towards the classrooms. Inhaling deeply, she crossed her arms - her thumb stroking the wood of her bow in some kind of nervous habit. Brielle then stopped as they stood at the entrance of the classrooms, and placed her hands behind her back - both gripping her bow. She gave a small smile to Eden, "I suppose your right.." Her thoughts trailed off to keeping them close in essence in case the halfbreeds did know something, "I guess its just an unnerving thought to not know what they're capable of". She didn't say anything for a moment, her eyes shifted to the ground before inhaling and starting again "There was something kind of different about Lucile, the Half-breed earlier. He seemed to scared of the guards, I was sure he was going to attack. But..Didn't. So maybe you are right". Her gaze went from the dread-locked man to the class slowly filling with children. It was rare she ever stepped foot in the classrooms, but when she did - a crisp nostalgia of her days spent here, flooded in. "You said Flora and Fauna today?" Brielle asked Eden in a more chipper tone, her gaze still placed on some of the youth in the class. "Well! Guess I'll take a seat in the back, so you can start class. Teacher" She laughed, and gestured for him to walk in first. [@WhiteMoths]