[hider=Kieren]Name: Kieren Hunter Nicknames: Sometimes 'Kier' but he prefers Kieren. Age: 20 Gender: Male Personality: Kieren doesn't like to talk much, he's more of a physical 'act now, talk later' kind of guy. He is an intense person and very passionate; if he's set on achieving something, he will do it but this comes with its drawbacks - if he's angry, he can get very angry. He is caring but he can really hold a grudge, hence the reason he is at Redwood. Appearance: Dyed red hair styled into a faux-hawk. Hazel eyes and square-set jaw. 5'9" and broad shouldered, he's well built and works out to keep in shape. Why you are here: His parents, knowing Kieren's tendency to over-react and deal with his anger violently, managed to work with the judges in court after he attempted to run over an ex that cheated on him. They settled for months of community service and sending him to Redwood in order to hopefully teach him to control his anger and work through the loss of his ex. How long you've been at Redwood: 4 months Other: Loves motorbikes and is a skillful mechanic. [/hider] [hider=Tori]Name: Torin Nicknames: Tori Age: 36 Gender: Male Personality: Kind-hearted and enjoys bringing out the best in people, because he wants to believe that everyone has some good in them. He's got a tough exterior and has been compared to a drill sargent, but he listens and works hard to gain the trust of his students and work with them to reform. He isn't a push-over, however. He knows that reform means hard work and sometimes disappointment and he is willing to teach his students that they won't always get everything they want no matter how hard they try. He expects and enforces respect in his classroom and has little patience for being late. Appearance: Short blond hair, large and broad. 5'11" and normally dressed in his gym-gear. Has one prosthetic leg. Subjects you teach: PE/Gym, wanting to be a learning mentor/have this kind of role in the school. How long have you been at Redwood: 3 years. Other: He is an ex-captain, dismissed after an injury in the field.[/hider]