Mikey's right hand didn't fire a water bullet as it extended, moments before Jenso reached him. Instead, he curved his punch downwards, towards Jenso's body, while taking a step backwards with his right foot, to better respond to whatever he might've done. Jenso dodged to the right, but Mikey's right hand was already in position to respond, and he was able to see the wind-burst coming from a great distance away, easily. He continued pulling his right foot around, pivoting on his left foot until his back was facing Jeff's attack. With his right forearm, he deflected Jenso's kick, throwing him off balance with the direction of his attack, and the momentum of his pivot. The defensive maneuver forced him to lean to his left, perfectly angling him to propel himself out of the way of Jeff's attack, and towards Oz, at the very last second. He felt Jeff's winds slice at his clothing, but no damage got through. As Mikey launched away from Jenso, he feet coated themselves in bubble-like boots, and allowed him to make short, fast hops. He bounced around the battlefield, circling around Oz, and making his way towards Jeff. Luke suddenly slammed the side of the force field repeatedly. "Read his style! React accordingly! Remember what I taught you!" He shouted, "Reflex, Force, Withdrawl! Damage, attitude, knowledge!" Mikey ignored Luke and changed the composition of his gauntlets once again, until they were rounded like blunt weapons, with slightly more bulbous fists, as he approached Jeff.