[hr] [center][h1][color=9e005d]Constantin Kolev [/color][/h1] [img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/7abab444934e1f8f30e883bdad0f71a0/tumblr_nrisnnDhEA1rmcs4lo6_500.gif [/img] Location: The Almack's -> then Tent City.[/center] [hr] [color=9e005d]“You're velcome.”[/color] He quickly replied with a smile and then quickly took to complying with her request to close the doors of the place. This was going to be a long night, Constantin realized and sight quietly in his mind. He was concerned about Veta's well being and this was going to exhaust her that was for sure. No choice though, they simply had to support her in the way then can when she needs it. Time certainly had passed as he had suspected, but in the end they were finally headed back towards the circus. The Duchess had gotten into the carriage with Myshka so Constantin took great care in driving it back home. He was careful and alert the entire way. The Great Bazhooli had entrusted him with this task and he was not going to do it with half hearted efforts. What's more Veta was a close friend. Bazhooli caught up to them just in time too so by the moment they arrived, he was ready to carry Veta to her tent. Constatin himself was happy with the result so he just brought the carriage where it usually was kept and after that simply walked to the tent his family used. He greeted his parents and simply threw himself on the bed.[color=9e005d]”Дяволите да ги вземат...“[/color] He cursed in his mind, having the bad feeling someone was well responsible for this and it wasn't just the soulless only. While there was no evidence in his suspicions for human collaborators, there wasn't any proof against it either. That said he did get to see something interesting at least. A Ryne staked and burned...