The beginning of the Genabackis was never stated in the books. It could be anywhere from 1150-1154. It is for sure that in 1154 (towards the end of the year) Surly/Laseen assassinated the Emperor. At which point she fully launched the campaign into Genabackis and restructured the army. One of the most notable things she did was promote Dujek Onearm and demote Whiskeyjack. It is known that the first place they attacked was Genabaris, a port city. Making it their main base of operations. by 1161 The Malazan army wasn't making anymore headway. The 2nd army was stuck outside Pale. The 5th was in the Blackdog Forest. In 1163 they defeated the armies at Pale. The High Fist at this point merged all the 2nd and 6th into the 5th army.