[h3][color=#E34234]Hiwatari Rei:[/color] Humpty Dumpty Sat on a Wall[/h3] Never been a big fan of the grumpy, plumpy, dumpy sort. Too obtuse for my liking. Then again, I can't say they've ever been my fans either. Probably for the best, it's only a matter of time before I'd politely ask them to grant me the pleasure of rolling them down a hill. Seriously, haven't you ever wondered if rotund humans could act as wheels? Sure they might be a tad deformed, but they make up for their inefficiency with a grimace that'd only get grumpier as they continue to go round and round. [sup][s]Maybe I should ask Cyare.[/s][/sup] Still, leave it to my companions to scowl at the man, my beautiful grin shouldn't disappear for something so trivial. I've met grumpier after all, and plumpier and dumpier. Y'know this one time I met a woman in a small town called Townsville (okay so I forgot the name. I've been to a lot of towns.), you should've seen her when I asked for sixteen dozen eggs. I swear that every inch of her large face was used up in the scowl she threw my way. Like that thing squirrels do when they're hiding their acorns. I was only asking for a couple eggs, not sure why she got so annoyed. I think it might have something to do with the fact that I- I'm going off on a tangent again aren't I? Moral of the story: I can deal with the Humpties of the world. But if I knew the Kid half as well as I think I do then I'm sure her blood pressure was rapidly rising. Of course she'd keep things under wraps, that was just the way she was. Can't tell you how Bandages is feeling; I obviously don't know the newbie that well. Oh right, I'm not supposed call him that. But he's not an oldie and middledie just doesn't make sense. As for the Trap, he's well, he's... I'm not quite sure how to put it in words. But he's doing fine. He's also still jubilant that everyone enjoyed the meal we prepared. Can't say I disagree with that sentiment. "[color=E34234]Yup,[/color]" I affirmed the Trap's query, "[color=E34234]Big scary Pawn here chased them all the way to hell and back. Last I heard, the remaining members have avowed to only play checkers from now on.[/color]" Of course the Trap was a bit too hyperactive to wait for the Kid's response; already he was engaging our fourth wheel in conversation. So I took advantage of the moment to lean over and mention my plan to my original teammate: "[color=E34234]I'll run a sweep around the outskirts of the town when you guys finish. See if I can narrow down the paths the marauders take into the town, while you all find out what you can inside the village.[/color]" See? I can be business minded. Just let the kids have their fun. [@Expolar][@Krayzikk][@Plank Sinatra]