[quote=@ClocktowerEchos] [@Andreyich] I know that Kislev Winged Lancers have actual wings. What I said was going back to my thing on military units vs merc units and how that unless they were defectors they probably won't be having the full regalia. As for the dwarves, I guess they could be a bunch of really independent young (by dwarven standards) beardlings from wealthy families who used their family's wealth to procure heavy armor and guns. I'm still unsure on full gromril though so how about this; your commander can have full gromril while the main bulk just has really finely crafted dwarven steel armor. Gromril is rare and is either reserved for the elite veteran units or has family herilooms and I'm not sure how much dwarven families would be willing to just give away such a valuable thing to a child who says he wants to find what most believe (including dwarves) to be a tavern story. [/quote] In that case can I have them as an artillery or thunderer unit or something, because without gromril you'll melt your face off.